Select a democratic (not autocratic, oligarchic, dictatorship) country other than the US or the UK in the world and discuss whether it is a parliamentary or presidential system and describe its state features.

Discuss ONE current event or major ongoing issue in the news and how it is covered by TWO different major news sources. Select a democratic (not autocratic, oligarchic, dictatorship) country other than the US or the UK in the world and discuss whether it is a parliamentary or presidential system and describe its state features. … Read more

To What Extent was the Arab Israeli Conflict Shaped by International Intervention?

To What Extent was the Arab Israeli Conflict Shaped by International Intervention? State argument clearly. Include actors and agreements at play, colonialism, Orientalism. What role did colonialism play in the creation of Israel? How did the Cold War dynamics impact the Arab-Israeli conflict? Did the Arab-Israeli conflict impact international relations more widely? What do you … Read more

Climate Change-Despite widespread evidence on climate change being a serious problem for the American environment and economy, why hasn’t the government taken more action to mitigate this problem?

Climate Change. Despite widespread evidence on climate change being a serious problem for the American environment and economy, why hasn’t the government taken more action to mitigate this problem?

Brazil and South Africa are multi-ethnic, multi-racial societies committed to economic and social justice. Both are resource rich and regional economic powerhouses. Both, however, have persistent poverty and injustice. What are they doing wrong?

The paper requires citations from 3 chapters on this book . Brazil and South Africa are multi-ethnic, multi-racial societies committed to economic and social justice. Both are resource rich and regional economic powerhouses. Both, however, have persistent poverty and injustice. What are they doing wrong? If you believe Free Trade is better, explain why … Read more

Explain what incorporation means in terms of the Supreme Court’s relationship to civil rights and liberties.

Explain what incorporation means in terms of the Supreme Court’s relationship to civil rights and liberties. Take any two of the following and explain how the Supreme Court has interpreted them since incorporation began.

Some scholars of international relations believe that democracies are less likely to go to war than other types of states. Assess this claim. Do you agree?

Some scholars of international relations believe that democracies are less likely to go to war than other types of states. Assess this claim. Do you agree? Evaluate the Cold War, including the immediate aftermath of WWII and the downfall of the USSR, from each of these three perspectives. How might each theory interpret the events … Read more

What constitutional powers does the President have to create legislation (bills) and law? How are these powers checked by the other branches?

The President is often called the “Chief Legislator”. What constitutional powers does the President have to create legislation (bills) and law? How are these powers checked by the other branches? What written orders can presidents use to define the enforcement of newly-signed bills or already existing laws? Consider the following presidents to illustrate the power … Read more

Mutually assured destruction (MAD) cannot be assured in the new era of counter force. Yet without MAD, there is no deterrence.” Do you agree? Justify your answer

Mutually assured destruction (MAD) cannot be assured in the new era of counter force. Yet without MAD, there is no deterrence.” Do you agree? Justify your answer It needs to 700-750 words long and written like an essay would be written.