Political socialization is the life-long process by which we acquire our underlying values and beliefs about politics and government. identify an agents of socialization that socialized you the most. why? how did this agent shape your perspective? identify agents of socialization that socialized you the least. why? what is it about this agent that has little influence on how you have been politically socialized?

Questions 1.Political socialization is the life-long process by which we acquire our underlying values and beliefs about politics and government. Identify an agents of socialization that socialized you the most. Why? How did this agent shape your perspective? identify agents of socialization that socialized you the least. Why? What is it about this agent that … Read more

Write an essay on the right or best way to overhaul America's healthcare system and safeguarding Voter Integrity and the Electoral Process.

Write an essay on 1.The right or best way to overhaul America's healthcare system. 2. Safeguarding Voter Integrity and the Electoral Process. Term Paper Requirements: *Select a current political or social controversy as the topic for your paper.(Listed above). *Research at least five sources (i.e. articles, books, pamphlets, etc.) related to your selected topic. ( … Read more

When did the slave trade end and when did slavery end? include the key dates and events that lead to the endings and describe the differences between these two historical issues.

  When did the slave trade end and when did slavery end? Include the key dates and events that lead to the endings and describe the differences between these two historical issues. Site all pertinent parts of the USA Constitution?

Write a critical reflection essay on gender and how gender has affected society, with in put on identity, sexuality, race and classone.

Description Critical Reflection on Gender Write a critical reflection essay on gender and how gender has affected society, with in put on identity, sexuality, race and classone. Working as a waitress for a year and being asked specifically to dress in tight-revealing clothing and to stand at the door and try to “ween” male clientele … Read more

Discuss the change in economic and political reforms between 2002-2009 to 2011-2017 in Turkey.

The AKP government in Turkey and Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s authoritarian regime. Starting from 2002 to the referendum in 2017 which changed the country’s political system from a parliamentary one to a presidential form. Discuss the change in economic and political reforms between 2002-2009 to 2011-2017 in Turkey.

Disscuss why the  Latin American Region has shown proclivity to incubate populist leaders and why these leaders have obtained unrestricted support and appreciation from the masses.

Populism has been a staple in Latin American politics. Disscuss why the  Latin American Region has shown proclivity to incubate populist leaders and why these leaders have obtained unrestricted support and appreciation from the masses. These analysis questions are away for students to think critically but also engage with one another.

Explain the impact of current terrorist strategies on the Usa interests.why is this a terrorist strategy?

Explain the impact of Current Terrorist Strategies On The Usa Interests. This paper must include a brief history of the strategy as well as answer the following questions: Why is this a terrorist strategy? Which terrorists use this strategic method?  Why? When is this strategic method effective?  Why? What are the flaws of this strategy?  Why? and What infrastructures … Read more