The Roles of Congress and the presidency: what characteristics do you think voters look for when choosing a president?

The Roles of Congress and The Presidency What characteristics do you think voters look for when choosing a president? Do you think voters choose the characteristics they are looking for depending on the socioeconomic and political environment – lack of jobs, riots, COVID-19, environmental concerns and other issues ?Explain your answer.    

Read Corey Robin’s The Reactionary Mind: Conservatism from Edmund Burke to Donald Trump and write a critical review essay of between 850 and 1500 words.

1. Read Corey Robin’s The Reactionary Mind: Conservatism from Edmund Burke to Donald Trump and write a critical review essay of between 850 and 1500 words. Essays should connect (compare/contrast) the ideas and arguments presented in this book to the arguments made by other assigned thinkers in the course (at least one thinker must be … Read more

Spytainment and PDB: list 2-3 of your key takeaways from readings  regarding PDB’s.

Spytainment & PDB Answer the following two-part question. The best answers will consist of no more than a comprehensive paragraph or two reflecting upon core readings, issues,dynamics ,own perspective and experiences. You may also comment on other responses if you so choose but this is not required. Part One: List 2-3 of your key takeaways … Read more

The Great Depression and World War II: Identify 3 aspects of U.S. foreign policy present during this time. discuss how these different approaches influence U.S. foreign policy.

The Great Depression and World War II. Identify 3 aspects of U.S. foreign policy present during this time (the 1930’s through 1950’s). Discuss how these different approaches influence U.S. foreign policy. Additionally, discuss how events or policies during this time have influenced policies today. You must incorporate at least 3 scholarly citation(s) in current Turabian … Read more

 The Nature of Public Opinion: define public opinion and political socialization.explain the process and role of political socialization in the U.S. political the ways in which citizens learn political information .

 The Nature of Public OpinionBy the end of this section, you will be able to:● Define public opinion and political socialization● Explain the process and role of political socialization in the U.S. political system● Compare the ways in which citizens learn political information● Explain how beliefs and ideology affect the formation of public opinion