Voting Rights Act : Explain the purpose of the Voting Rights Act. How has it been weakened in recent years?

Voting Rights Act. Explain the purpose of the Voting Rights Act. How has it been weakened in recent years? Is some form of the Voting Rights Act still needed? Why or why not? Are Voter ID laws a necessary measure to protect against fraud or do they hinder people’s voting rights? Explain.

Securitarian : What do the cited two articles below tell us about the securitarian turn in European integration? Discuss by linking your derivations from these articles in an essay .

Securitarian What do the cited two articles below tell us about the securitarian turn in European integration? Discuss by linking your derivations from these articles in an essay . (30 points): Huysmans, J. (2000) “The European Union and the Securitization of Migration,” Journal of Common Market Studies, 38 (5): 751-777. Bigo, D. (2014) “The (in)securitization … Read more

Branches of government and the funding sources : Does the state constitution contain a Bill of Rights? If so, what appears to be the most important feature?

Branches of government and the funding sources. Locate your state’s constitution and examine the major elements and articles within it.Review its contents and functions. Search for information about the branches of government and the funding sources for your state government. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that addresses the following: •How are the main components … Read more

Summarize a minimum of three articles. Explicitly state the way(s) in which they relate to the Bill of Rights.

 Bill of Rights Summarize a minimum of three articles. Explicitly state the way(s) in which they relate to the Bill of Rights. Do NOT cut and paste from articles. Summarize in your own words. In each of these stories, do you feel that the Bill of Rights has been violated or upheld? Explain your reasoning … Read more

What level of government should regulate these issues? Are decisions on these issues better placed in the hands of the states or of the federal government? Why? Provide evidence of additional research on your issues.

Consider at least 2 of the following issues: legalization of drugs. Educational standards. Welfare. Environmental regulation and enforcement. Same sex marriage. Abortion. What level of government should regulate these issues? Are decisions on these issues better placed in the hands of the states or of the federal government? Why? Provide evidence of additional research on … Read more

government surveillance programs : Do you think these programs violate citizens’ constitutional rights or are they necessary measures to track terrorists? Justify and explain your answer.

Government surveillance programs •Describe government surveillance programs that have developed since 9/11. •Do you think these programs violate citizens’ constitutional rights or are they necessary measures to track terrorists? Justify and explain your answer.

Looking back 200 years, how would you evaluate the work of the Founders in designing our form of government? Does the Constitution need any improvements or changes?

Review the CQ Researcher article on Re-examining the Constitution (See screenshots) and answer the following questions: Part 1: Looking back 200 years, how would you evaluate the work of the Founders in designing our form of government? Does the Constitution need any improvements or changes? Part 2: A number of efforts have been made in … Read more

Religious freedom : Under what circumstances, if any, should religious freedom take precedence over the law? Illustrate your answer with specific examples.

Religious freedom •What is the proper boundary between church and state? •Should the First Amendment be interpreted strictly so that no one’s rights are infringed by government sponsorship of religion or should it be interpreted loosely to recognize that the U.S. First Amendment is a very religious country? •On the matter of religious freedom, what … Read more

Current Events : Visit the above websites and explain one article or report from each. Share your reaction on any of the claims being fact-checked?Were you surprised by the result?Discuss.

Current Events Utilize the following websites devoted to fact-check claims by politicians: Fact, sponsored by the Annenberg Foundation for Public Policy, and Politifact, sponsored by the St. Petersburg Times. Visit the above websites and explain one article or report from each. Share your reaction on any of the claims being fact-checked?Were you surprised by … Read more