Present’ briefings on topics within organizations of all kinds with a view to providing background to an issue, recommendations and/or analysis to influence decision-making.

Monitoring and evaluating during Covid19 pandemic Present’ briefings on topics within organizations of all kinds with a view to providing background to an issue, recommendations and/or analysis to influence decision-making. The presentation should consist of three parts: 1. A single slide outlining the nature of the problem / issue / topic 2. 3-4 slides of … Read more

Crisis and Critique : What role does the concept of hegemony play in Gramsci’s theory of politics? How is it different from Weber’s notion of domination?

Crisis and Critique You are required to submit one essay plan . Essay questions can be chosen from the list below. Essay plan: • Should be circa 800 words long. • Should formulate a central thesis and indicate provisional essay structure. • Should include bibliography of at least 15 items. Choose one of the following … Read more

To what extend is Denmark legitimizing WHO as a significant international policy-setter in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic by following its issued recommendations, hence they are non-binding?

A case-study of Denmark amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. While global governance under the guidelines of the World Health Organization has laid the groundwork for dealing with the crisis, at the national level, each country responded to the COVID-19 crisis according to its own self-regulatory patterns. In spite of structural gaps in resource distribution and health … Read more

Integration in the European Union : Write a policy paper discussing how one of the below drivers can lead to increased integration in the European Union or exactly the opposite, disintegration in the European Union.

Integration in the European Union Write a policy paper discussing how one of the below drivers can lead to increased integration in the European Union or exactly the opposite, disintegration in the European Union. Choose to keep this at the European Union level, as well as looking into specific member states. Include: Taxation, Digitalization, Climate … Read more

Business-Government Relations :  In what ways could corporate power and influence undermine or promote democratic accountability?

Business-Government Relations Readings: 1. Businesses in the Political Marketplace: Liberal-Democracy’s Conundrum Hale (Chapter 10) 2. Hussain, Waheed, and Jeffrey Moriarty. 2018. “Accountable to Whom? Rethinking the Role Of Corporations in Political CSR.” Journal of Business Ethics 149 (3): 519–34. 3. Keller, Eileen. 2018. “Noisy Business Politics: Lobbying Strategies and Business Influence After the Financial Crisis.” … Read more

Public Opinion and Political Action : How do attitudes about federal government responsibilities differ by age, race, income, and partisanship ?

Public Opinion and Public Opinion Read Chapter 6 in your text (“Public Opinion and Political Action”), the 2021 Pew Research Center Report titled “Americans See Broad Responsibilities for Government: Little Change Since 2019” (March 17), and the 2020 article by Eli Finkel et al. from Science titled, “Political Sectarianism in America” (October, Vol. 370, Issue … Read more

Article Review : According to the authors, how can national policy re-shape intergovernmental relationships within the federal system”?

Article Review. CONTEMPORARY POLICY ISSUES ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS In the field of federalism and intergovernmental relations, the Christian statesman needs the skills to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate content from many sources. Toward that end, the purpose of the Article Review Assignment is to aid in the development of those skills as they apply to scholarship. The … Read more