Hooke’s lab: analyze a spring-mass system using Hooke’s law and a best-fit line. 

Hooke’s lab • Analyze a spring-mass system using Hooke’s law and a best-fit line. • Determine if a rubber band obeys Hooke’s law. • Combine the qualitative observations of a model with the quantitative results of an experiment into a coherent formal report. EQUIPMENT  • Camera • Paper • Paper clips • Paper cup • … Read more

Introduction to Hydraulic Pump Design and Pump Efficiency: identify the (3) major pump types used in fluid power systems.

Introduction to Hydraulic Pump Design and Pump Efficiency The purpose of this project is to deepen your understanding of the different types of hydraulic pumps and how they operate. You will also learn how to differentiate between fixed and variable displacement designs and how to calculate pump efficiencies (mechanical, overall, and volumetric efficiencies). The majority … Read more

 Fluid Power DCV Design Challenge: use computer drawing tools to design a basic two-position, 4 way, directional control valve and explain how it works.

 Fluid Power DCV Design Challenge To deepen your understanding of DCVs and their operation in a fluid power circuit. Use computer drawing tools to design a basic two-position, 4 way, directional control valve and explain how it works. Use your design to explain how to actuate a first, second, and third class lever hydraulic system.

Circuit diagrams : draw a circuit diagram for the descriptions below

Circuit diagrams Draw a circuit diagram for the descriptions below. Remember to use the proper symbols and ensure that your diagrams have a rectangular shape. Dont put in the arrows showing the flow of electrons. 1. a) Three cells in parallel, two light bulbs (loads) in series, with one switch b) Three cells in series … Read more