In 500 words, reconstruct and critically evaluate the argument found in the above passage.

The Paradoxes of Time Travel From p. 551 of David Lewis’ The Paradoxes of Time Travel’: The passage beginning ‘Stranger still…’ and concluding ‘why not also the inexplicable causal loops that arise in time travel?.’ In 500 words, reconstruct and critically evaluate the argument found in the above passage.  

Is killing animals, or making them suffer, for human ends morally defensible?

Is killing animals, or making them suffer, for human ends morally defensible? One of the points of the argument is affecting their migration patterns. MLA Format / MLA Heading ▪ 4 full Pages ▪ Must include Parenthetical Citations ▪ Must include Works Cited page ▪ Must have at least FIVE scholarly / academic sources dating … Read more

Analyze and explain Epicurus’ famous proclamation.Do you agree or disagree with this assessment of the good life, and why?

Applied Philosophy Paper Analyze and explain Epicurus’ famous proclamation.Do you agree or disagree with this assessment of the good life, and why? “Thanks be to blessed Nature because she has made what is necessary easy to supply, and what is not easy unnecessary…The right understanding of these facts enables us to refer all choice and … Read more

Summarize the pros and cons for Ethical Relativism and Ethical Absolutism. What distinctions can be made between descriptive and normative ethics in the arguments for relativism?

Ethics Please use video and material provided only answer one question Using the text and online resources in this module, summarize any video, and respond to one of the following focused questions in at least 500 words. Focused Questions: 1. Summarize the pros and cons for Ethical Relativism and Ethical Absolutism. What distinctions can be … Read more

What will the captain do if he chooses Utilitarianism and if he chooses Deontology? what would you do in his place? Why?

Utilitarianism or deontology The captain of a boat is smuggling a family of refugees from Nazi Germany. A German naval boat comes alongside the captain’s boat and an officer asks if there are any refugees aboard. If the captain says “yes,” the Nazi officer may come aboard and shoot them. If the captain says “no” … Read more

What are some specific elements that create the gap?What are some of the reasons that may be advanced in favor of interreligious communication and understanding?

Position Paper The study of various world religions and religious movements, along with the accompanying belief systems, cultural practices, and social phenomena that arise from religion, brings up an important set of questions for philosophical consideration. For this final assignment, write a “position paper,” which is a particular style of argumentative essay, of somewhere between … Read more

In Discipline and Punish Foucault distinguishes two registers of the modern machine body: the “anatomico-metaphysical” and the “technico-political.”

BODY IN PHILOSOPHY In Discipline and Punish Foucault distinguishes two registers of the modern machine body: the “anatomico-metaphysical” and the “technico-political.” Drawing on the readings covered in class ; Descartes, Leder, Schiebinger and Foucault give an account of each of these registers. Given your account, do you think they can or should be ultimately understood … Read more

Primary source : Describe and study a primary source as fully as possible by getting to know everything you can find about the physical object, its text and imagery, its history, and its interest.

Primary source Describe and study a primary source as fully as possible by getting to know everything you can find about the physical object, its text and imagery, its history, and its interest.