Does race/sex/gender/class/sexual orientation play a role in who you are? Is gender identity a fixed biological reality? Why or why not?

If any of the philosophers we read this session might agree with your view. Identify the philosopher and explain their position on the self. If any might disagree, identify and discuss the points of disagreement. Does your essence determine your existence (as in the avocado view), or are you a product of your choices and … Read more

Briefly explain the theory of utilitarianism, along with two of the strongest objections often posed against it.

Briefly explain the theory of utilitarianism, along with two of the strongest objections often posed against it. Briefly explain the theory of ethical egoism, along with two of the strongest objections often posed against it. Briefly explain Kant’s ethical theory, including how one uses both version of the Categorical Imperative in order to derive one’s … Read more

Trash or the justice system-What is the issue? Identify the dilemma that makes moral choice and action difficult in this instance, as delineated by the essays.

The possible dilemmata for this paper are: Trash or the justice system. What is the issue? Identify the dilemma that makes moral choice and action difficult in this instance, as delineated by the essays. What are the “positions” on the issue as portrayed by the essays that we’ve read (what is the argument/point made by … Read more

How can we explain why civilians ought not to be targeted? What is it about combatants that makes them appropriate targets in war.

How can we explain why civilians ought not to be targeted? What is it about combatants that makes them appropriate targets in war. Class is about En Bello rules so obviously that has to be apart of the paper What is the MAIN QUESTION you are asking in your paper? What is (to the extent … Read more

Explain what Nietzsche takes to be the basis of social rules and morality.

Nietzsche explores the idea of Bad Conscience and sees it as limiting our power. Specifically, he connects the idea to promise-keeping and promise-breaking, to punishment, and to cultural institutions. Explain what Nietzsche takes to be the basis of social rules and morality. Construct and defend an interpretation of the text that connects Bad Conscience to … Read more

What is the conception of substance crucial to modern philosophers? Explain the different theories of substance in Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz.

Explain the core beliefs of rationalism and empiricism, two major intellectual camps in Modern philosophy. What is the conception of substance crucial to modern philosophers? Explain the different theories of substance in Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz. Analyze Spinoza’s and Leibniz’s treatment of freedom in light of the idea of mechanical determinism. Present their arguments and … Read more