Write a persuasive essay explaining the reason why funding for remedial classes are needed and discussing the funding need.

Funding Remedial Courses in Higher Education Write a persuasive essay explaining the reason why funding for remedial classes are needed and discussing the funding need. State facts, logical reasons, examples, and use quotes from resources. Concise 150-200 abstract. (5 pages of content – not counting title, abstract or reference page.)Use APA7 format  

Identify any subject/area of the national curriculum and discuss how deaf learners can be supported to access this subject in relation to a specific key stage .

Identify any subject/area of the national curriculum and discuss how deaf learners can be supported to access this subject in relation to a specific key stage . Discuss how Teachers of the Deaf can ensure there is an appropriate balance between deaf learners receiving targeted support and developing independent skills in your chosen subject area.

Discuss how the convergence of Fintech, social media and traditional financial markets has shifted the dynamics of retail investing.

 Questions Using the above case study, along with what you find out from your further reading and research on the topic, and focusing on the literature discussed in the module, answer BOTH questions below. Answer each question separately as a stand-alone mini-essay of not more than 1500 words, but use a common reference list for … Read more

Discuss the teaching on student advanced decoding strategies, self-monitoring strategies and the use of graphic organizers when writing.

Locate at least 3 peer-reviewed journal articles to support the action plan Indicate the implications/applications to teachers and students. Discuss the teaching on student advanced decoding strategies, self-monitoring strategies and the use of graphic organizers when writing.

Write a book report on ‘For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood’           

Write a book report on ‘For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood’                                                                       Address the following: o What did you agree with in the book? o What did you disagree with? o Based on what you have learned about teaching and student development, what challenges do you foresee in implementing the author’s recommendations?

Identify data representing gaps that currently exist at either the national, state, or local level. Suggest and discuss several possible strategies for addressing the gaps you identify.

EDUCATIONAL AND DIGITAL EQUITY IN THE DIGITAL AGE. Research and discuss what is meant by the digital, pedagogical, and resource divide (meaning why some students have devices and access to the internet and resources that make online learning a success and why others do not), why a divide exists, and how the divide might best … Read more

Attaining Advocacy: Who decides curriculum? What is the role of family and community in contributing to programs?

Attaining Advocacy: Who decides curriculum? What is the role of family and community in contributing to programs? Identify the issue as a problem statement and develop a research question that will enable you to evaluate whether you were able to affect change. Articulate the research method suited to the problem or research question. Case studies … Read more

Attaining Advocacy: Who decides curriculum? What is the role of family and community in contributing to programs?

Attaining Advocacy: Who decides curriculum? What is the role of family and community in contributing to programs? Identify the issue as a problem statement and develop a research question that will enable you to evaluate whether you were able to affect change. Articulate the research method suited to the problem or research question. Case studies … Read more