In 1948, the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In your opinion, to what extent does this declaration of human rights challenge a state’s sovereignty? Provide examples to support your opinion.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights In 1948, the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In your opinion, to what extent does this declaration of human rights challenge a state’s sovereignty? Provide examples to support your opinion.

Write a reaction essay to the Civil Rights marches of the mid-to-late 1960s.

Civil Rights marches Write a reaction essay to the Civil Rights marches of the mid-to-late 1960s. What surprised/scared/ amazed/appalled you? Why do you think African Americans turned to marches and protests for voting and desegregation rights instead of going through the courts and the political system? Would you have participated in the marches? Why … Read more

In what forms has forced labor been practiced in the past?What kinds of labor systems did the Freedmen’s Bureau agents report during Reconstruction and what kinds developed after?

Slavery Watch the video Slavery By Another Name in the Media and Videos File on your Menu, read the “Sharecropping Contract,” and/or explore the documentary’s website .Then answer 4 of the following questions, at least one from each section. ( ) 1. In what forms has forced labor been practiced in the past?What kinds of … Read more

Compare and contrast the safety and health regulatory environment existing at the time of the tragedy with that of today.

Tragedy. Choose one significant workplace tragedy. Address the following items: Summarize the tragedy you selected and how this event helped to improve workplace safety and health today. Compare and contrast the safety and health regulatory environment existing at the time of the tragedy with that of today. Identify existing OSH regulatory and/or consensus standards that … Read more

Reflect on how, as a safety professional, you would respond to the overlap in Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards and state or local building, electrical, and life safety codes. In your opinion, what might be the most significant challenges?

Overlap Reflect on how, as a safety professional, you would respond to the overlap in Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards and state or local building, electrical, and life safety codes. In your opinion, what might be the most significant challenges?

What goes into producing an electric car and the batteries? How do we dispose of the batteries when they are no longer useful? What is required to produce the electricity that will be needed by the cars?

Do Electric Cars Really Help the Environment? We are seeing a lot about electric cars being the future and saving our environment from the pitfalls of oil usage. What goes into producing an electric car and the batteries? How do we dispose of the batteries when they are no longer useful? What is required to … Read more

What are some of the challenges in getting workers to wear the right PPE at the right time?

Personal protective equipment. Reflect on the requirements for the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) in your current workplace or a workplace with which you are familiar. What are some of the challenges in getting workers to wear the right PPE at the right time? What innovative methods to encourage compliance have you seen? What … Read more