Describe how you have already made an impact on your home (or adopted) country or the broader international or scientific community, how you will continue to do so after your education is completed, and  how your education will directly contribute to your ability to effect these goals. Maximum characters: 2,500

Describe how you have already made an impact on your home (or adopted) country or the broader international or scientific community, how you will continue to do so after your education is completed, and  how your education will directly contribute to your ability to effect these goals. Maximum characters: 2,500

Locate two nonfiction picture books for young children and List three factual statements found in each book.

Nonfiction book Critiques Experts urge early childhood educators to use information packaged in a “story” as a major approach in all curricular areas. They propose that a basic characteristic of young children’s intellectual capacity is their delight and “sense–making” of stories, consequently, a prime learning and remembering mode. More and more teachers are attempting a … Read more

Leading Organizational Change course : discuss how helpful the model was in understanding organizational dynamics.

Leading Organizational Change course Diagnose your organization or one with which you are familiar using one (1) of the following models: Nadler and Tushman’s Congruence, Sterman’s Systems Dynamics, Quinn’s Competing Values, Greiner’s Organizational Growth, or Stacey’s Complexity. After briefly describing and supporting your analysis with one or more examples, identify two (2) insights you gained … Read more

JOHN KOTTER THE HEART OF CHANGE : compare and contrast lewin’s theory of change, kotter’s 8-step model of organizational change and the change path model.

JOHN KOTTER THE HEART OF CHANGE Compare and contrast Lewin’s Theory of Change, Kotter’s 8-Step Model of Organizational Change, and the Change Path Model. What are the similarities and differences? Discuss two (2) insights into the process of leading change you gained from this analysis, and how you could apply them as a change agent. … Read more

Human resources assignment : how does the Labor Unions affect Jobs and the economy

Human Resources Assignment As mentioned in the week’s announcement, Employee Relations and Labor Relations are two sides of the same coin. Both involve how employees are treated by a company. Employee Relations is the term used in non-union workplaces (aka union avoidance) and Labor Relations is the term for HR interactions with employees in unionized … Read more

Write in a scientific way but clearly understandable the UK and Japan response to COVID-19 outbreak

The UK and Japan response to COVID-19 outbreak write it in a scientific way but clearly understandable Paragraph structure: 6 sentences: 1. Topic sentence establishes the main point of the paragraph 2.Topic sentence establishes the main point of the paragraph 3. Critical evaluation This sentence critiques a weakness of that study—that its findings may not … Read more