Peer Review: identify the common threats to internal and external validity to findings on peer review .

Peer Review What type of design was used? Describe this design and why it was appropriate for this research . Describe the groups in the sample. Was a power analysis performed after the research design was chosen? Was the actual sample size large enough based on the power analysis? Detailed description of the treatment/intervention. Identify … Read more

Advanced Solid Waste Management: What are the factors, laws, or standards that can limit the amount of methane production in the landfill?

Advanced Solid Waste Management Textbook: Worrell, W. A., Vesilind, P. A., & Ludwig, C. (2017). Solid waste engineering: A global perspective (3rd ed.). Cengage Learning. This assignment will allow you to demonstrate the following objectives:  Assess the political environment as it relates to solid waste and solid waste management.  Summarize laws and … Read more

Nursing theory: write a brief description of the theory using an original source or as close to the original source as possible.

Nursing theory Identify a theory that uses a concept that can be applied in research and nursing practice (clinical, education, or administration). This is a professional paper in which headings, full sentences, paragraphs, correct grammar and punctuation, and correct citation of sources are required. Theory Description: Write a brief description of the theory using an … Read more

Bertrand Russell in sexuality : explain, did western society followed Russell’s advice, and to what extent? Is society still too prude and irrational about sex, or has it become too sexually liberal?

Bertrand Russell in sexuality Consider Russell’s views on western attitudes towards sex in the 1930’s. Explain, did western society followed Russell’s advice, and to what extent? Is society still too prude and irrational about sex, or has it become too sexually liberal?

What is the message of the popular media cartoon, or advertisement?(Using a minimum of 1000 words)

Complete a web search to find a cartoon or advertisement in the popular media that conveys an image or message related to sexuality and older people. Examine the medium’s portrayal of sexuality in older adults by answering the following questions. Also, attach or provide the url of your cartoon or advertisement with your assignment submission. … Read more

 “The Science of Stage Fright (and How to Overcome It)” Mikael Cho : “How I beat stage fright” Joe Kowan : Discuss the lesson learned and explain the  common threads with these two talks.

Each brief writing requires watching and analyzing the material discussed in the talk. It is vitally important to cite/quote specific statements that the speaker makes when writing critique. Talks may be viewed on most electronic devices by going to and searching by the talk title or speaker’s name. “The Science of Stage Fright (and … Read more