Explain how environmental pollutants affect human health and how organisms interact with each other and their environment.

Explain:                                                                                                                                                                       how environmental pollutants affect human health how organisms interact with each other and their environment where food originates how safe food ultimately relies on a safe environment where water originates, how it is used, and how it can be beneficial and harmful the surrounding atmosphere and how it influences the air in which we … Read more

Nuclear Energy Industry:profile this industry and identify its NAICS code(s), its products, and its potential for affecting the environment.

Nuclear Energy Industry Report This essay is an industry report over the nuclear energy industry.                                                                   Profile this industry and identify its NAICS code(s), its products, and its potential for affecting the environment. The student will research how each federal law we discuss could affect that specific industry, which regulations apply, and what permits are required. … Read more

Choose three from the list, and write a 5 paragraph essay that identifies 3 different topics and how they relate to 3 different values from the list.

Read the following article by Holm et al. and make note of the authors’ list of “values” related to humanities research. The_Value_of_the_Humanities.pdf download https://collin.instructure.com/courses/877347/files/68006576?wrap=1 Choose three from the list, and write a 5 paragraph essay that identifies 3 different topics and how they relate to 3 different values from the list. For example, “social value” … Read more

Write a fully researched, referenced and well-structured professional report about an innovative and sustainable method of construction that could be used for the build.

Assume you are an independent sustainability consultant working for universal Group plc who plan to build a multi-residential scheme.                                                                                                                                  Universal Group want to achieve a high standard … Read more

Write a report to a client that critically analyses the major risks to successful project delivery discussing the impact these could have on the project’s viability. (approximately 1,200 words)

Building Economics Scenario Your Client, a developer, wants to purchase a development site within the business district of Manchester, UK, to develop a four-storey Grade A office complex. A residual appraisal has been carried out which demonstrates the viability of the project. This is available as an image in the Appendix and as an Excel … Read more

Annotated bibliography: identify valid and reliable sources that can be used in the composition of a research paper .explain the nature of selected sources and their relevance of sources to the research paper

Annotated bibliography Task: Create an annotated bibliography of four sources that could be used for  research project, including at least two articles from scholarly journals. Length: Four citations, each with an annotation of 150 +/- 25 words (125-175 words each). The entire completed assignment should be at least 600 words. Sources: Four sources related to … Read more

Film: Luther: what was the purpose of selling indulgences?which groups were impacted the most by the selling of indulgences?

For this discussion, watch the four parts of the film Luther below. This movie details the life of the reformer Luther. After watching the movie, answer the questions below. Luther Movie Part 1 (Links to an external site.)http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x16wtob Luther Movie Part 2 (Links to an external site.)http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x176cru Luther Movie Part 3 (Links to an external … Read more

Explain the concept of natural rights.choose two Amendments and explain how they help protect people’s natural rights.

An underlying principle of the United States Constitution is the protection of people’s natural rights. Explain the concept of natural rights. Choose two Amendments and explain how they help protect people’s natural rights. Explain the concept of natural rights.Choose two amendments and explain how they help protect people’s natural rights.