Karl Marx: based on your own understanding of marxism, what are the strengths and what are the weaknesses of marxism/communism?

Karl Marx Watch the following videos. The first is The School of Life YouTube channel’s presentation on Marxism. The second video is a rebuttal / critique of the arguments for Marxism in the video. Based on your own understanding of Marxism, what are the strengths and what are the weaknesses of Marxism/Communism?       … Read more

What is your opinion on the desirability of the intersection between contemporary political and ideological struggles and works of art or literature?

In the realms of literature and literary criticism, there is a common debate whether works of literature should aspire to transcend the time/place in which they were created (and thus become timeless works of art) or whether literature (and art in general) should respond to the circumstances of the world in which they were created. … Read more

Conflicting viewpoints: discuss how often you try to resist biases toward your own point of view when looking for information about a particular issue.

CONFLICTING VIEWPOINTS Instructions Write a 3–4 page paper . Discuss how often you try to resist biases toward your own point of view when looking for information about a particular       issue. Identify three premises (reasons) from Pros & Cons of Controversial Issues that support your position, and explain why you selected these specific reasons. Explain … Read more

Write a 5 – 8 page research-based paper using proper APA formatting that describes the problems related to social media in the workplace and propose solutions on how a company could address these issues.

Write a 5 – 8 page research-based paper using proper APA formatting that describes the problems related to social media in the workplace and propose solutions on how a company could address these issues. The page count does not include the cover page or reference page. An abstract is not required. The Library has a … Read more

Analysis of Personal Beliefs and Biases : list and then describe a minimum of three things you believe to be true, such as the existence of God, right vs. wrong, morality, and what it means to be a “good” person.

Analysis of Personal Beliefs and Biases Who are you? What do you believe? What cognitive biases do you have? In a one- to two-page paper, consider the people and experiences that have shaped how you see yourself, how you see life, and, most importantly, how they have shaped your biases. List and then describe a … Read more

Construct a fair-minded, unbiased, analytical analysis of a topic in a comprehensive essay.

Construct a fair-minded, unbiased, analytical analysis of a topic in a comprehensive essay. Essay must be 5–7 pages (1600–1900 words) in length Times New Roman 12-point Double-spaced 1-inch margins Proper Level I and Level II APA section headings for all major sections of the essay All other applicable APA formatting

Group Reflection: describe the most significant interpersonal experience that you had in your group and how it has affected you.

Group Reflection Describe the most significant interpersonal experience that you had in your group and how it has affected you. What did the group leader do to support this significant interpersonal experience? How have you and will you continue to translate this experience into your life?

Describe the techniques, the risks, the goals, the outcomes, and then, based on these studies, offer a brief summary of what these studies tell on the overall about the state of the tech and its possible uses in humans.

Describe the techniques, the risks, the goals, the outcomes, and then, based on these studies, offer a brief summary of what these studies tell on the overall about the state of the tech and its possible uses in humans.

A Brief Statistical Look at Apollo: evaluate both quantitative and qualitative research methods.

A Brief Statistical Look at Apollo Analyze sources of data/information related to a given research topic Evaluate both quantitative and qualitative research methods Apply select statistical analysis procedures for quantitative data Present findings in a coherent manner using both written text and graphics Pages 7-10: Statistical findings; should include an in depth analysis and may … Read more

Letter to Congress: pick one policy issue and write a letter to a member of Congress on the topic.     

Letter to Congress Pick one policy issue and write a letter to a member of Congress on the topic.           demonstrate substantial knowledge about the policy issue, the position you’ve taken, and the role they will play in the passing of legislation related to your position.     Keep in mind that you will be unable to write … Read more