Create an interactive internet safety quiz in power point or prezi focusing on asking questions regarding internet safety with a target age of 9-12 years of age.

Playing it safe on the Internet Create an interactive internet safety quiz in power point or prezi focusing on asking questions regarding internet safety with a target age of 9-12 years of age. Make sure you ask a variety of question types (yes/no and multiple choice type answers). You should have 4-5 total questions that … Read more

Cognitive Biases in the Workplace: which of the cognitive biases would you address? why would you address these cognitive biases?

Cognitive Biases in the Workplace Which of the cognitive biases would you address? Why would you address these cognitive biases? What exercises would you use to identify cognitive biases? What “push-back” might you expect from your co-workers? Why? If you worked in a different industry, what different biases might you face? How might you address … Read more

What was society like prior to each technological advancement?what were the benefits of not having each technological advancement?

Technological advancement Write a 350- to 700-word article in which you discuss the following for each technological advancement: What was society like prior to each technological advancement? What were the benefits of not having each technological advancement? What were the consequences or issues because each technological advancement was absent? How did people define and present … Read more

Compare and contrast the films you watched. (choose at least any two films.) how are they accurate or well told and how are they not as good as some others.explain.

Compare and contrast the films you watched. (Choose at least two films.) How are they accurate or well told and how are they not as good as some others.Explain. Address a topic (or question) of your choice. So for example one topic could be, how did the railway and the camps function as one large … Read more

Beethoven, Piano Concerto no. 5:describe the historical events or innovations that characterize the period in which the work was created

Beethoven, Piano Concerto no. 5 in E flat major, Op. 73 (Emperor Concerto), 1809-181 1. Describe the historical events or innovations that characterize the period in which the work was created (suggested length of 1–2 paragraphs). 2. Analyze how this work reflects a theme or stylistic characteristic from its period (suggested length of 1–2 paragraphs). … Read more

Statement of Purpose: how will studying or interning abroad help you achieve your future academic or professional goals?

Statement of Purpose In your essay, be specific in describing your individual reasons for studying abroad, keeping in mind that this is a scholarship for academic study abroad or credit bearing international internships. Please address ALL of the questions below, in no particular order: (max of 7,000 characters) How will studying or interning abroad help … Read more

Follow-on Service Project Proposal Essay : what is your project and how will it increase awareness of study abroad and the gilman program among your peers in your home or campus community?

Follow-on Service Project Proposal Essay What is your project and how will it increase awareness of study abroad and the Gilman Program among your peers in your home or campus community? Identify and explain why you chose the specific community you will be reaching. How will you integrate the impact of your experience abroad into … Read more