Article Analysis:choose an article and summarize the article in 4-6 sentences.

 Article Analysis  Choose an article and: Summarize the article in 4-6 sentences. One of these sentences must contain the main idea of the article. Author Who was the author of this article? Are they an expert in the field, someone who is reporting what experts have reported, or are they sharing their opinion? What is … Read more

Write a 2000-2500words report on alternative energy using relevant examples in the fields of alternative energy.

Alternative Energy Write a 2000-2500words report on alternative energy using relevant examples in the fields of alternative energy: 1. Research renewable or alternative energy and provide a description of what they are and their importance. Do NOT use WIND POWER or WIND POWER SOURCE. 2. Make a list of the different types of renewable energy. … Read more

Citation Questionnaire: how are entries arranged in a bibliography?

Citation Questionnaire Answer the below question about APA citation style. Use the handouts on APA, APA manual, English composition handbook or the OWL at Purdue APA citation site to learn more about APA citation style. How are entries arranged in a bibliography? Is any part of the citation indented? If so what part of it? … Read more

Why do you think fallacies and fake news is used?what do you think are the primary dangers of political commentators and news media outlets using these strategies to address the public?

First, find an online segment of political commentary from one of the provided below or one of your own choice: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) These three networks are the most watched and searched websites and news networks. It will be critical … Read more

Discuss all steps in the program evaluation process.

You are an evaluator who was approached to provide JT Organizational Global (OG) with a proposal to conduct a program evaluation of their emergency management plan. OG has experienced challenges with employees not following emergency evacuation procedures during a drill. As a result, employees remain in the building during a drill; employees do not go … Read more

Discuss the interrelation of e-government to customer and the authentic and constructive engagement and how it addresses the barriers of using e-government by the Saudi residents, and how it is different from somewhere else.

Barriers in Using Digital Technologies for the Residents of Saudi Arabia Discuss the interrelation of e-government to customer and the authentic and constructive engagement and how it addresses the barriers of using e-government by the Saudi residents, and how it is different from somewhere else.

Poster presentation of theoretical research study: list and include your sampling/methods, questionnaire and other relevant elements.

Poster presentation of theoretical research study. List and include your sampling/methods, questionnaire and other relevant elements. Choose a professional association with an upcoming conference and determine the requirements for a poster presentation.