The Musical Canon and Museum : Discuss in 3-4 pages the emergence of the musical canon, focusing on the music and reception of Ludwig van Beethoven.

The Musical Canon and Museum Discuss (3-4 pages): 1. The emergence of the musical canon, focusing on the music and reception of Ludwig van Beethoven. 2. How the canon and “musical museum” have affected the music produced after Beethoven and the ways in which later female composers (Amy Beach and Clara Schumann) contend with its … Read more

Latin American/Spanish music : Write a 2 page paper on any latin american or spanish music video, preferably of a live concert but any music video would work.

Latin American/Spanish music Write a 2 page paper on any latin american or spanish music video, preferably of a live concert but any music video would work. Work with another song or live performance this time, and a link to the video will need to be attached.  

Music : Richness of the sonority  are simple or complex harmonies used? Any unusual instrumentation or unusual chord progressions used.Is the singer harmonizing with another singer or instrument?Explain

Music Address how the music supports the sentiment of the lyrics. Richness of the sonority  are simple or complex harmonies used? Any unusual instrumentation or unusual chord progressions used.Is the singer harmonizing with another singer or instrument?Explain What instruments are used; what kind of voice is used Is the music complex or simple?Compare a love/positive … Read more

Music and mass society : Provide an analysis and description lasting 15 minutes of a relevant academic paper(s).

Music and mass society. Provide an analysis and description lasting 15 minutes of a relevant academic paper(s). There is no set word length for this assignment. You have been provided with themed folders on Moodle which contain multiple journal articles. The presentation requires you to provide a clear description and a critical analysis of ONE … Read more

The Age of Discovery : Submit a two paragraph response, summarizing the documentary and identifying ideas and key points that you learned while watching it.

The Age of Discovery. View the documentary below, discussing the history of Western Music from antiquity through to the Renaissance. It is an excellent presentation of many of the topics we have addressed up to this point in class. Submit a two paragraph response, summarizing the documentary and identifying ideas and key points that you … Read more

Hip Hop Music and Culture: Coachella : View the entire documentary and write a reflection on two specific themes or performances in the documentary that struck you the most.

Hip Hop Music and Culture: Coachella View the entire documentary and write a reflection on two specific themes or performances in the documentary that struck you the most. Each reflection should be a full paragraph (12 point font, 300 word total for the assignment). As you are writing, explain why you think those moments were … Read more

Ten musical instruments are listed at the bottom of this assignment.  For each one, list the family it belongs to, using both the traditional family grouping and the newer type of classification.

Musical instruments Ten musical instruments are listed at the bottom of this assignment.  For each one, list the family it belongs to, using both the traditional family grouping and the newer type of classification. The 1st response for each instrument  should always be one of these four words: strings, brass, woodwind, percussion. And the second response … Read more

LilNasX’s Record Breaking and Culture Changing Summer : Who is the rhetor or author of this piece? Do you find them credible? You may consider the author themselves and/or the general source . Who would you consider to be the audience for this piece?

LilNasX’s Record Breaking and Culture Changing Summer. Who is the rhetor or author of this piece? Do you find them credible? You may consider the author themselves and/or the general source . Who would you consider to be the audience for this piece? What is the argument of your chosen source? What is the source … Read more