Steve Neale and Frank Krutnik’s argument : To what extent can this process be seen in Seven Chances (w/Buster Keaton, 1925)? How are the norms of slapstick comedy adapted to the narrative demands of the feature-length format?

  Steve Neale and Frank Krutnik’s argument It is Steve Neale and Frank Krutnik’s argument that the development of the multiple-reel “feature” film led comic filmmakers to experiment with various combinations of slapstick and genteel components (e.g., the narrative-based “situation slapstick” style in the case of Lloyd, sentiment in the case of Chaplin, etc.). To … Read more

Choose and discuss one greater theme or context in the episode and the implications of the show’s conclusions and information.

A Close Analysis of “Deadly Dressers” select scenes and impact. Choose and discuss one greater theme or context in the episode and the implications of the show’s conclusions and information. To help guide your discussion, use at least one concept, vocabulary word, or piece of terminology from either our Social Sustainability lecture, “Language of Oppression” … Read more

WALL-E (2008):Reflect on the importance of sound throughout WALL-E. Pick at least two scenes to analyze in detail. In each scene, determine which sounds seem especially responsible for conveying information to the audience.

WALL-E (2008) Reflect on the importance of sound throughout WALL-E. Pick at least two scenes to analyze in detail. In each scene, determine which sounds seem especially responsible for conveying information to the audience. How do speech, music, noise, and silence work together in these scenes? Also consider how these sounds create a particular impression … Read more