Find a pathway through the film that enables you to do a close analysis with a point-of-view you think is interesting, original, and worthy of discussion.

Movie 4-6 pages 12 pt font Double-spaced 2-3 cited scholarly articles (more will be approved in individual cases) Find a pathway through the film that enables you to do a close analysis with a point-of-view you think is interesting, original, and worthy of discussion. Choose your direction by thinking about a particular context that interests … Read more

Find a pathway through the film that enables you to do a close analysis with a point-of-view you think is interesting, original, and worthy of discussion.

Close analysis Find a pathway through the film that enables you to do a close analysis with a point-of-view you think is interesting, original, and worthy of discussion. Choose your direction by thinking about a particular context that interests you. 4-6 pages 12 pt font Double-spaced 2-3 cited scholarly articles.  

What types of conflict existed between Lincoln, his cabinet officials, members of Congress, etc.? How did Lincoln manage these conflicts to keep them from spiraling out of control?

Abraham Lincoln Lincoln portrays the great president’s struggle to ratify the 13th amendment which, if passed, would ban slavery in the United States everywhere and for all time. The film also depicts the diversity of perspectives among the members of Lincoln’s cabinet, whom he had chosen precisely for that reason and masterfully illustrates Lincoln’s skills … Read more

Discuss at least 3 generally held beliefs about our criminal justice system that the series addresses . What are these beliefs? And how does the series, be specific with scene(s) information, support or contradict these beliefs?

Ethics and Policy in Criminal Justice Watch Either: Seven Seconds (Netflix 10 episode series) OR Making of a Murderer Season 1 (Netflix 10 episode series) 1. Discuss at least 3 generally held beliefs about our criminal justice system that the series addresses . What are these beliefs? And how does the series, be specific with … Read more

In this 4- to 5-page, double spaced paper, you will discuss the connections between a movie and the concepts in the text by clearly and thoroughly addressing the topics below.

Movie Paper Guidelines In this 4- to 5-page, double spaced paper, you will discuss the connections between a movie and the concepts in the text by clearly and thoroughly addressing the topics below. In order to complete this paper, you will need to watch The Avengers (2012). • Discuss the periodic phases of development from … Read more

Analysis and research summary of film theory ideology : Read the article and summarize the main point the author is making.

Analysis and research summary of film theory ideology. Comolli_and_Narboni Read the article and summarize the main point the author is making. No opinions or emotions just stating the facts of that the author is saying. Not go over 500 words Structure : INTRO: 10% BODY: 80% in 2 parts 1) The main argument and how … Read more

Screen-media techniques : Analyze how certain screen-media techniques generate meanings, ideas and associations.

Screen-media techniques Watch the clip from about 44:30 until about 51:15. Link of the movie: Analyze how certain screen-media techniques generate meanings, ideas and associations. Your discussion should explicitly draw on critical writing, including at least one independently sourced article, essay or monograph. You will be expected to use appropriate terminology when describing (for … Read more