Health Care Disparities (African American)-Write a 600-700 word essay that reflects your learning points from the reading assignments in the textbook.

Health Care Disparities (African American). Write a 600-700 word essay that reflects your learning points from the reading assignments in the textbook. Define the Issue. Present background information specific to: Relevance to community/public health. Importance of topic related to community/public health. Can present statistics, dates, history, timeline, developments. Reflection: Past & Present Discusses pertinent past, … Read more

Write a critical essay to compare and contrast a public health issue with global impact(Substance Abuse and Addiction) in the context of a country (United Kingdom) and my national setting (Nigeria).

Substance Abuse and Addiction. Write a critical essay to compare and contrast a public health issue with global impact(Substance Abuse and Addiction) in the context of a country (United Kingdom) and my national setting (Nigeria). Discuss the global health impacts and influences.

Discuss the biological, behavioral, environmental, and/or social risk factors associated with the Leading Health Indicator you chose to focus upon in Module 1.

Discussion. Discuss the biological, behavioral, environmental, and/or social risk factors associated with the Leading Health Indicator you chose to focus upon in Module 1. Public transit, Housing for different incomes as well as different stages of life, and Community centers.

Dentistry-Critically evaluate the effectiveness of a post system that is familiar to your clinical experience.

Dentistry. Critically evaluate the effectiveness of a post system that is familiar to your clinical experience. Describe how the system is used. How does it approximate to an ideal post system? What improvements could you recommend to the system you use? The assignment states 1950 words in total,

Investigate the accuracy and feasibility of using a homemade distal femoral extra medullary positioning osteotomy template to position the distal femur for total knee replacement during initial total knee arthroplasty.

Self-made distal femoral extra medullary positioning osteotomy template in total knee arthroplasty. Investigate the accuracy and feasibility of using a homemade distal femoral extra medullary positioning osteotomy template to position the distal femur for total knee replacement during initial total knee arthroplasty.

Write a manuscript about a clinical study of nephrological markers of kidney function with the title „proenkephaline as a new kidney marker compared with creatinine“.

Proenkephaline as a new Kidney Marker. Write a manuscript about a clinical study of nephrological markers of kidney function with the title „proenkephaline as a new kidney marker compared with creatinine“. The manuscript should explain a clinical study.  

Conduct research on the different types of treatment for adolescents.

Conduct research on the different types of treatment for adolescents. Pick one evidenced-based type of treatment to describe, what type of adolescent may benefit and what you found most compelling about this type of treatment approach. The research report must be a minimum of 3 pages and include at least 3 scientifically based and/or academic … Read more

Qualitative research proposal-Write a qualitative research proposal on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy..

Qualitative research proposal. Write a qualitative research proposal on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. What methods will you use to collect the data? Describe any data collection instruments and how they will be developed. Explain why those methods are appropriate and consider the strengths and limitations of the method(s) compared to other methods.

Self-Critique of Leadership Behavior-Use the Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid, assess your own preferred behavioral leadership style. 

Self-Critique of Leadership Behavior. Use the Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid, assess your own preferred behavioral leadership style. Provide anecdotal evidence of behaviors in support of your perspective on behavioral leadership. In addition, provide academic research articles in support of your assessment.What is the Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid? What does it measure? How? What … Read more