Write stress analyses based on suitable elastic theories of failure.

Manual design calculation of each machine element using necessary equations and selection of standard parts. Task Individual specification of machine components shown in Figure 1 will be given to each student. Based on the given specification, students should perform the following activities: Manual design calculation of each machine element using necessary equations and selection of … Read more

How are the control valve classified?-Write the classification of the control valve.

Pumps & Hydraulics (SEM-III 2022-23) Assignment 1: Fluid power, fluid machinery & Fundamentals of pump   Part A: Fluid Power Define the term fluid power. Explain any five benefits of fluid power for the users. Compare between a hydraulic and a pneumatic systems. What are the major functions of fluid power? State any five fluid … Read more

Obtain the off axis stress values for Element 1 and strain values for Element 2 rotated 45° counterclockwise, redraw the rotated element with the calculated values for stress and strain, and discuss.

STRESS AND STRAIN TRANSFORMATIONS. ENGINERRING MECHANICS COURSE QUESTION. Obtain the off axis stress values for Element 1 and strain values for Element 2 rotated 45° counterclockwise, redraw the rotated element with the calculated values for stress and strain, and discuss. Discuss the results and explain why the information is important (I.E. Related to failure mechanics … Read more

Explain the methods to evaluate work done in different steady state processes in 1000 words.

A DESCRIPTION OF THE EXPRESSION OF WORK DONE IN DIFFERENT STEADY STATE PROCESSES. Explain the methods to evaluate work done in different steady state processes in 1000 words. The report should include the following: Constant volume process. Constant pressure process. Constant temperature. Adiabatic Process. Poly-tropic Process. Throttling Process.

Define wire ropes and explain the parameters for selecting a suitable wire rope, its construction, and wire rope description.

WIRE ROPES – CONSTRUCTION AND SELECTION CRITERIA COURSE QUESTION. Define wire ropes and explain the parameters for selecting a suitable wire rope, its construction, and wire rope description. This work provides a step-by-step solution, with explanations and diagrams to help the student understand the entire context of the question.  

STRESS AND STRAIN TRANSFORMATIONS-Discuss the results and explain why the information is important.

STRESS AND STRAIN TRANSFORMATIONS. Obtain the off axis stress values for Element 1 and strain values for Element 2 rotated 45° counterclockwise, redraw the rotated element with the calculated values for stress and strain, and discuss. Note: Tension is positive and compression is negative and a positive shear strain elongates the diagonal that goes from … Read more