Number theory : Using the extended version of Euclid’s algorithm, find a solution to the following Dio-phantine linear equation.

Number theory. 1.Using the extended version of Euclid’s algorithm, find a solution to the following Dio-phantine linear equation.77x + 91y + 143z = 2 [10] 2. Find all solutions for the following pair of simultaneous congruences.               262x ≡ 3 mod 807               3x ≡ 2 mod 5 Instructions for completing the examination: • Show all your … Read more

Create your own children’s story or use one that already exists as a starting point that involves permutations, combinations, or Pascal’s Triangle and the character is facing a decision that involves large numbers.

Project 1) Create your own children’s story or use one that already exists as a starting point that involves permutations, combinations, or Pascal’s Triangle and the character is facing a decision that involves large numbers. 2) Write a summary of the math involved in your story using combinatorial notation Carry the problem through the story … Read more

Introduce Banach Algebras and C* algebras and give some commentary and proofs over how it relates to the spectrum, resolvent sets along with the relationship to eigenvectors and eigenvalues.

Banach Algebras, C* Algebras and Spectral Theory. Introduce Banach Algebras and C* algebras and give some commentary and proofs over how it relates to the spectrum, resolvent sets along with the relationship to eigenvectors and eigenvalues.  

Algebra unit:Case Study: Fiona:In 250-500 words, explain how you plan to involve Fiona’s parents in meeting her goals.

Algebra unit Case Study: Fiona Grade: 9th Age: 14 It is the beginning of the second semester, and Fiona is having a great deal of difficulty in her mainstream algebra class. Prior to this year, she was receiving instruction in the resource setting. At her eighth grade transition IEP meeting, her parents expressed their wishes … Read more

Competencies: Describe the data using the measures of central tendency and measures of variability.

Competencies Describe the data using the measures of central tendency and measures of variability. Apply the normal distribution, standard normal distribution, and central limit theorem. Develop a confidence interval for a population parameter. Evaluate hypothesis tests for population parameters from one population. Evaluate hypothesis tests for population parameters from two populations. Determine the linear correlation … Read more

Random Number Generators: research random number generators then, respond to the following in a paper.

Random Number Generators •Research random number generators then, respond to the following in a paper. •When would you use a random number generator? •Select a random number generator and use it to generate at least 10 numbers. •Include a link to your selected random number generator and a screenshot of the numbers you generate.

What is Number Sense: research, summarize, and comment upon the value of number sense competitions sponsored by the university.

What is Number Sense Watch the video “What is Number Sense?” linked on the Learning Objects page. Then develop an original response guided by these prompts: Research, summarize, and comment upon the value of number sense competitions sponsored by the University. Demonstrate at least one mental “shortcut” similar to or different from Dr. Boaler’s methods … Read more

Bridge Builder Fractions: according to research, would this game support student learning of fractions?justify your answer.

Bridge Builder Fractions Play the game “Bridge Builder Fractions” linked on the Learning Objects page. Then develop an original response to these prompts: What was your “cost?” On a scale of 1 to 5, how challenging did you find this game (5 is most challenging)? Justify your selection. On a scale of 1 to 5, … Read more

Event: explain the meaning of “Event with equally likely outcomes”.

Event 1. Explain the meaning of “Event with equally likely outcomes”. (4pts) 2. Explain the difference between joint events and disjoint events. (4pts) 3. Explain the difference between P(A) and P(A|B). What does it mean if they are equal in value? What does it mean if they are unequal in value? (4pts) 4. Explain the … Read more