Business : Prepare a business report by critically analyzing an expansion plan to any two Asian countries of your choice.

Business You are working as a Marketing Manager for one of the clothing brands (of your choice) of the UK. Your chosen brand is considering an expansion into the global market, particularly in the Asian market. At the beginning the brand will expand into two countries of Asia. You have been tasked by the Marketing … Read more

Digital Marketing : Read the Assignment Brief and marking criteria and write down a maximum of 1,000 words summary of your proposal campaign.

Digital Marketing Assignment Research proposal Read the Assignment Brief and marking criteria and write down a maximum of 1,000 words summary of your proposal campaign. As a suggestion, you may want to address the following topics/points listed below: Digital campaign mechanism: purpose/goals/objectives Companies situation analysis and digital marketing strengths and weaknesses Consumer personnel profile Summary … Read more

Transformation of the workplace : Provide a brief overview of your topic then critically discuss the findings of other relevant publications in your research area. Use the Harvard style referencing at all time

Transformation of the workplace Provide a brief overview of your topic then critically discuss the findings of other relevant publications in your research area. Use the Harvard style referencing at all time

Prepare an online survey, using an online questionnaire and collecting data, on a consumer market to be assigned to you.

Online survey • Prepare an online survey, using an online questionnaire and collecting data, on aconsumer market to be assigned to you. • First, prepare the methodological design, defining the population, the sampling approach and theonline questionnaire structure, as well as the data analysis procedures (descriptive statistics, in accordance to unit content). The online questionnaire … Read more

SBC : What is your view of SBC’s strategic marketing strategy?What is your view of SBC’s use of social media for its target market?What were some of your frustrations you noted in the team project throughout the exercise?

SBC Review the SBC Overview. Read the transcript of an interactive exercise. Consider what you learned in the experience and respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: What is your view of SBC’s strategic marketing strategy? What is your view of SBC’s use of social media for its target market? What were … Read more

Digital Social Media Marketing Advertising Campaign : Create a digital social media marketing campaign. Take the things you know and can develop with ease.

Digital Social Media Marketing Advertising Campaign Create a digital social media marketing campaign. Take the things you know and can develop with ease. The food you like, a product you use, a company you shop and repurpose their ideas and change it up on how you would make a new campaign fit it to your … Read more

Franchising: Discuss why you think this franchise would be successful where you’re opening it.

Franchising Franchising is a major form of retailing. Just in New Paltz, there are several businesses which are likely franchises: McDonald’s and Subway being two examples. Let’s say that you graduate from college and eventually decide to open your own food related business. One of the options you have is to open a franchise of … Read more

NBA Basketball Playoffs : How does the event use Commercialization and Sponsorship to promote its image? 2: Who are the main stakeholders in the event and what is their role?

NBA Basketball Playoffs 1: How does the event use Commercialization and Sponsorship to promote its image? 2: Who are the main stakeholders in the event and what is their role? 3: What key ethical issues have been faced by the event in recent years? 4: Evaluate approaches to segmentation, targeting and product positioning in the … Read more