Research and analyze the company ‘Five Guys’ in terms of its market/marketing environment and CSR practices.

Marketing Principles Research and analyze the company ‘Five Guys’ in terms of its market/marketing environment and CSR practices. It is essential that you select a company that has presence in the UK and / or focus on UK market Format: 3,000 words +/- 10% (excluding references) Have a cover page that includes the following information: … Read more

Conduct an analysis of the current situation of the company and industry, and on this basis, develop three recommendations for Major Advertising and Creative Strategies Campaign.

Advertise You are an advertising manager of a chosen company. Conduct an analysis of the current situation of the company and industry, and on this basis, develop three recommendations for Major Advertising and Creative Strategies Campaign.

Review the following 6 key elements of a learning organization. Evaluate the extent to which the company you’ve selected to assess in this course epitomizes each of the 6 elements. Justify your determination with examples.

Learning Organizations and Value Creation Review the following 6 key elements of a learning organization. Evaluate the extent to which the company you’ve selected to assess in this course epitomizes each of the 6 elements. Justify your determination with examples. 1) Inspiring and motivating people with a mission or purpose 2) Developing leaders 3) Empowering … Read more

Produce an online questionnaire and a Research Proposal as the marketing research executive in the agency.

Research Proposal You are the marketing research executive in an agency invited to tender for this ASOS project in the UK. The Market Research Agency in which you work as a marketing research executive has been commissioned to do this Research project for ASOS. Produce an online questionnaire and a Research Proposal as the marketing … Read more

Prepare background research relevant to the issue, identify an appropriate market research problem and research question/s, specify research objectives, and justify the use of a qualitative method of research for data collection purposes.

Market research This individual project is designed to give you an insight into the practical aspects of market research and some of the issues involved in the conducting of such research and communicating the outcome for solving marketing-related problems. Prepare background research relevant to the issue, identify an appropriate market research problem and research question/s, specify research objectives, and justify the use of a qualitative method … Read more

Analyze that potential international market by considering the 4 aspects of the Diamond of National Advantage: industry rivalry, demand conditions, related and supporting industries, and factor endowments.

  Choose 1 country that the organization you’ve been working on in this course could consider expanding into. The organization is Bank of America. The country is Poland. Read the selected article Analyze that potential international market by considering the 4 aspects of the Diamond of National Advantage: industry rivalry, demand conditions, related and supporting … Read more

Describe the market of sustainable fashion consumption in Germany. Develop and justify your model, which includes hypothesizing the signs of the coefficients in your model.

Quantitative Methodology using SPSS Analysis Imagine that you have been working in an international market research agency based in the UK. You have been asked by your boss to analyze data previously collected by your fellow consultant in Germany. The data was collected online in June 2021. Your boss wants you to build a regression … Read more