Pick one of these products: coca-cola classic,apple iPhone, nike basketball shoes and L’Oreal Shampoo, identify two competitors, and discuss what it is they offer that competes with other product.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP) When we talk about products offered by a business we are talking about actual goods, services, and ideas. Consider the following products: Coca-Cola Classic Apple iPhone Nike basketball shoes L’Oreal Shampoo Pick one of these products, identify two competitors, and discuss what it is they offer that competes with other product. … Read more

Develop a digital marketing plan report of 2,500 words

Develop a digital marketing plan report of 2,500 words 1. Explain briefly the purpose of your digital marketing plan. 2. Objectives (where do we want to be?). Set SMART communications and commercial objectives for your digital marketing plan. Apply two/ three components of the 5Ss framework (e.g. Sell, Speak, Save) linked to the RACE framework. You … Read more

Explain how a consumer chooses a specific product and why in a 3- to 4-paragraph written in responce to the specific brand.

Think of one product to which you are “brand loyal.” This can be anything from a brand of toothpaste to a car. (Feel Free to use Apple Products, Degree, Almond Breeze, Jergens) Explain how a consumer chooses a specific product and why in a 3- to 4-paragraph written in responce to the specific brand. (For … Read more

Social Marketing – Develop a social marketing project plan

Social Marketing  Develop a Social Marketing Project Plan Introduction: The cause to investigate is ‘loneliness in elderly people’ as I personally believe this social issue isn’t widely talked about enough and doesn’t receive the funding and societal recognition it deserves. Since the Covid pandemic this social welfare issue has skyrocketed as aged care homes were … Read more

Develop and write a pitch concept and delivery report for a PR campaign that can be a brand, charity, institute or a newcomer.

Original Campaign launch / pitch Students will individually create an original product or company and for this you will create a campaign and message. Presentation of pitch in a poster presentation format including all the main requirements of the campaign, these main points should be taken from the 1,200-word written report. Poster pitch will be … Read more

Manufacturing: analyze compensation and productivity results of your production workers and what modifications do you plan to implement for quarter 5

Manufacturing a. Analyze  stockouts and inventory results in quarter 3 and quarter 4 b. How do you plan to change manufacturing processes, fixed and operating capacities in support of your company’s expansion strategy? c. Analyze compensation and productivity results of your production workers and what modifications do you plan to implement for quarter 5 d. … Read more

Highlight and explain the advantages and disadvantages of marketing tools used in healthcare.

Instructions: Highlight and explain the advantages and disadvantages of marketing tools used in healthcare. By the end of the unit, you will be able to make recommendations on what marketing tools would be most useful and effective given various elemental factors and internal influences. To begin, select one (1) of the following healthcare systems that … Read more

Come up with a product then write a research report on how to launch the product,on a one city, one region or larger area and how to sell it either on retail or online. 

Come up with a product then write a research report on how to launch the product,on a one city, one region or larger area and how to sell it either on retail or online.  Take a look at and watch Shark Tank shows for great ideas.