PRODUCT: read each of these articles and write a synopsis of your reading.

PRODUCT Read each of these articles and write a synopsis of your reading. Constantinides, E. (2006) The Marketing Mix Revisited: Towards the 21st Century Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management. Almquist, E.; Senior, J.; & Bloch, N. (2016).  The elements of value. Harvard Business Review, 94(9), 46-53. Bergh, C.  (2018).  The CEO of Levi Strauss on … Read more

Write a minimum of 2 pages for the Goals/Objectives and Marketing Strategy portions for your Marketing Plan .

Write a minimum of 2 pages for the Goals/Objectives and Marketing Strategy portions for your Marketing Plan . Detailed Instructions Goal focus – identify the specific, measurable goals you will recommend for ECRH. Use specific numbers for each goal. Rather than stating they need to increase the recruitment of new physicians, for example, look at … Read more

Market Structures: identify the differences between all four market structures in the short-run and long-run.

Market Structures 1. Identify the differences between all four market structures in the short-run and long-run. This will be helpful as many of you may hold management positions and/or become entrepreneurs in the near future. When deciding what type of firm to own or operate, you may find that one market structure may be more … Read more

Uber is best known for its disruption of the taxi industry but it has also expanded into a number of other areas.what are these other areas?

Uber Cases Uber is best known for its disruption of the taxi industry but it has also expanded into a number of other areas. What are these other areas? Is there a common thread that runs through all of these Uber extensions? What are the central elements of the Uber business model? Identify three new … Read more

Conduct a comparative analysis between the leader you have chosen and a company within the industry that does not enjoy the same success. what strengths and weaknesses do you find in their marketing efforts? how have their efforts enhanced or hindered the company’s image and success?

Comparative Market Analysis of an Organization 1. Select an industry in which you are interested (i.e.: consumer goods, industrial goods, travel, postal, health care, entertainment, finance, retail, etc.). 2. Select a leading business in your field of interest. For example, in the travel industry, you might select an airline, a cruise line, a tourism bureau, … Read more

What did you learn from undertaking the project?how would you rate your performance as project manager?

A logbook related to order • What was the project supposed to accomplish? • Did the project succeed in its aims? How do you know? Specifically, outline any evaluation and assessment undertaken. • What things do you think worked well and why? Evaluate all aspects of the project (e.g. initial inception, project activities and project … Read more

 Public Relations Society of America Code of Ethics: how did the organizations act unethically?

 Public Relations Society of America Code of Ethics . Then, choose two of the unethical scenarios outlined in the articles “After the Unethical Ad” or “The Current State of Advertising Ethics. Write a 1- to 2-page analysis in which you answer the following questions: How did the organizations act unethically? What was the fallout from … Read more

Describe Google’s mission statement and the criteria you use to justify the mission statement, and how that product/service is “marketed” to you in the physical and virtual marketing environments.

Describe Google’s mission statement and the criteria you use to justify the mission statement, and how that product/service is “marketed” to you in the physical and virtual marketing environments.

Write a minimum of 2 pages for the Introduction and Situation Overview portions for your Marketing Plan to address the situation in the case study.

East Central Regional Hospital Marketing Plan Important note about the team project: You are creating a Marketing Plan for ECRH. There should be absolutely no generic discussion in a Marketing Plan. Every line in these team assignments should relate directly to ECRH. Any generic marketing discussion will lower the team’s grade. Explain your knowledge of … Read more