The buying center : justify the reason for selecting these job titles or departments for the various roles in the buying center. Which members of the buying center should the salesperson focus on when selling to your firm?why?

The buying center Apply the buying center concept to a firm, a nonprofit organization, or a government agency you work for, or are familiar with, for the purchase of new laptop computers for their employees. Briefly summarize your selected organization. What is it? What does it do? List the different roles in a buying center … Read more

What promotional tools does your company use in its promotional mix?

1 .What promotional tools does your company use in its promotional mix? 2. What PR tools does it utilize? What charities does it donate to? What sports events does it sponsor? What celebrities does it use as spokespersons? 3 .What sales promotions does it offer? Be exhaustive in your answer and cover all that apply. … Read more

Marketing: list the key factors of the global marketing environment and briefly explain what each covers.

Marketing: An Introduction (14th Edition) Gary Armstrong (13e Edition) Chapter 15 The Global Marketplace Read the chapter and answer the following questions [to facilitate references later on for the purpose of test-taking, make sure you bold or underline key concepts, use bullet points, and note down the page numbers on the textbook for each concept]: … Read more

Watch these videos and in your opinion, does the company use standardized or adapted communication in this case?briefly explain your conclusion.

Watch these videos: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)   Do these promotional initiatives by Coca-Cola have the same selling message? If yes, what is it? How does it Coca-Cola adapt … Read more

In your view, are Chinese reactions reasonable or unreasonable?how should H&M and some other Western brands handle this PR crisis in China?

Read the article (Links to an external site.). •In your view, are Chinese reactions reasonable or unreasonable? How should H&M and some other Western brands handle this PR crisis in China? •Should they give in to the Chinese pressure and start to use cotton from Xinjiang? •As a consumer, are you concerned that the … Read more

Mobile Marketing: list the benefits of direct and digital marketing

Mobile Marketing Read the chapter and answer the following questions [to facilitate references later on for the purpose of test-taking, make sure you bold or underline key concepts, use bullet points, and note down the page numbers on the textbook for each concept]:  a. List the benefits of direct and digital marketing b. List the … Read more

Discuss how local, national or international contexts and any associated educational policy may frame the role of education leaders.discuss it using examples.

Marketisation and Private Sector Participation in Education and Global Governance and the Role of Transnational Organizations •Discuss how local, national or international contexts and any associated educational policy may frame the role of education leaders.Discuss it using examples •Drawing on relevant literature, explain the extent to which education leaders have scope to mediate and interpret … Read more

Case study: how might a bricks and mortar retailer use this information: An online retailer?

Case study Shoppers spending more in-store than online on page 183-184 of your textbook and answer the following questions that appear at the end of the case. 1. How might a bricks and mortar retailer use this information: An online retailer? 2. What survey methods could have been used to gather this data? The survey … Read more