Marketing : Comprehend the components of an organization’s marketing program including how to plan, price, promote, and distribute goods, services, or ideas.

Marketing •Comprehend the components of an organization’s marketing program including how to plan, price, promote, and distribute goods, services, or ideas. •Identify the marketing relationships both internal and external to an organization. •Explore how external factors, such as the economy, competition, suppliers, distribution channels, and political-legal groups affect the marketing function. •Recognize why and how … Read more

“Don’t Mess with the Queen of Social Media” : Describe what PR recommendations you would have for Taylor Swift if you were her public relations consultant.Incorporate the principles of PR that you have learned.

“Don’t Mess with the Queen of Social Media” Review the Case “Don’t Mess with the Queen of Social Media”in The Practice of Public Relations and use the questions at the end of the chapter. Describe what PR recommendations you would have for Taylor Swift if you were her public relations consultant.Incorporate the principles of PR … Read more

Marketing : Discuss the types of risk that consumers may face when they consider buying your product, the ways that these risks could be mitigated and come to a conclusion as to which risk is the most severe.

Marketing. You are responsible for the marketing of a new Louis Vuitton jacket in a geographic market of your choice. •Discuss the types of risk that consumers may face when they consider buying your product, the ways that these risks could be mitigated and come to a conclusion as to which risk is the most … Read more

Omichannel : Critique the omnichannel practices of a global company of their choice they will be able to demonstrate an understanding of omnichannel best practice and the strategic importance of this to a business.  

Omichannel Critique the omnichannel practices of a global company of their choice they will be able to demonstrate an understanding of omnichannel best practice and the strategic importance of this to a business. (3000 words)

International Marketing : Analyze six full-length cases : Montgras, BMW, Kikkoman, Natura, Samsung and United Cereal.

International Marketing. •Analyze six full-length cases : Montgras, BMW, Kikkoman, Natura, Samsung and United Cereal. •Using these six firms/cases as examples describe how the tasks of international/global marketing management evolve as a company increases its involvement in international markets.