State the features of your product/service. Show how it’s innovative and different. It may be unique because of the area in which you plan to market it.

PRODUCT/SERVICE FEATURES Provide a brief overview of the product or service. State the features of your product/service. Show how it’s innovative and different. It may be unique because of the area in which you plan to market it. Discuss legal and ethical implications that could affect the marketing process. This will require research State the … Read more

Identify one additional product or service that you purchase for which you believe reference group appeal or influence in general would be minimal. Explain your answer.

Personal reference groups Explain two of your personal reference groups. Now, thinking of reference groups in general, identify two products or services that you purchase for which you believe reference group appeal or influence would be very strong. Explain your answers thoughtfully. Identify one additional product or service that you purchase for which you believe … Read more

Why is it important for marketing managers to pay attention to internal marketing? Refer to relevant literature and illustrate your answer with examples.

Marketing. 1) Why is it important for marketing managers to pay attention to internal marketing? Refer to relevant literature and illustrate your answer with examples. 2) What are the main challenges that a company faces in developing new products or services and how might they be overcome? Refer to relevant literature and illustrate your answer … Read more

Artificial Intelligence : How the rise of Artificial Intelligence is influencing the Content creation.Determine to which extent can AI be creative in the field of content strategy.

Artificial Intelligence How the rise of Artificial Intelligence is influencing the Content creation. Determine to which extent can AI be creative in the field of content strategy. Discuss how AI may impact the startup businesses in terms of content strategy. Determine whether machines may or may not take over content strategy jobs.

The Westside Coffee Company : Identify the top 5 keywords that The Westside Coffee Company should be using in website copy and headings to get better search engine optimization (SEO) organic search results from Google. Provide a rationale for your selections.

The Westside Coffee Company. Review the Coffee Shop Keyword Search. (Spreadsheet provided) 1. Identify the top 5 keywords that The Westside Coffee Company should be using in website copy and headings to get better search engine optimization (SEO) organic search results from Google. Provide a rationale for your selections. 2. Allocate a budget to optimize … Read more

Search Engine Marketing : Use the directions below to help you develop a search engine marketing strategy for your client

Search Engine Marketing. A new high priced Chinese restaurant (give it a name) has been opened in New Haven, CT and you have been hired as its search engine marketing consultant to help figure out the best way to use search engines to promote the restaurant. Use the directions below to help you develop a … Read more

Dotcom Bubble : What was the dotcom bubble and who was to blame for the dotcom bubble and its collapse in the 1990’s?

Dotcom Bubble What was the dotcom bubble and who was to blame for the dotcom bubble and its collapse in the 1990’s? Are there any similarities between the environment of the dotcom Bubble and the current social media environment? Do you think that we are currently in a social media bubble now, considering the popularity … Read more

Marketing Audit and Objectives : Produce a justified and cohesive marketing plan responding to case study material and independent findings

Marketing Audit and Objectives. Produce a justified and cohesive marketing plan responding to case study material and independent findings Carry out related and accurate primary and secondary research Skills, qualities and attributes. Present justified marketing objectives within a cohesive marketing strategy with appropriate recommendations to a Marketing Director

Define “marketing” and “sales” and explain how they are different from one another, and how they depend upon one another for successful marketing.

Marketing concept. Create and post an initial thread that addresses the following questions or issues: Define “marketing” and “sales” and explain how they are different from one another, and how they depend upon one another for successful marketing. Does “marketing” have a function in church operations? Explain and support your answer. Generational trends lead to … Read more

Consumer behavior : Develop a critical conclusion on the impact of servicescape elements on the behavior of consumers on a separate slide.

Consumer behavior 1) Search for 10 scientific studies published on academic journals and conduct a systematic review on the impact of servicescape on consumer behavior. Include: Main research aim Overall description of the methodology. Key findings. 2) Develop a critical conclusion on the impact of servicescape elements on the behavior of consumers on a separate … Read more