Select an article or podcast that seems interesting and relevant.

Insights on New Product Development Product Development and Management AssociationLinks to an external site. Click “KHUB” in the upper right corner of the home page menu. Select an article or podcast that seems interesting and relevant. Prepare a 1- to 2-page, double-spaced summary of the article/podcast that you chose.  

What kind of content is best suited for communicating here with these potential allies and assets?

What kind of branding should be used on the content Social Media and Fundraising for Non Profit organization TikTok/Instagram Analysis Develop five guidelines for using TikTok for your organization. What segments of donors, volunteers, clients, retail customers and potential employees should content target on this platform? What kind of content is best suited for communicating … Read more

What type of content are they posting And social media platforms used?

Social Media Marketing Project Assignment In this project, you will work as a group to provide social media consulting. You own a Social Media consulting company, and your company has been selected to work with a new Saudi B2C organization (business or non-profit) of your choice (select a business of any industry). The selected business … Read more

How to establish a “hierarchy of strategic intent” that establishes direction for your organization.

Self-Reflective Paper on “Leading Organization Strategy and Change Capabilities”: Guidelines Paper Structure: Your paper should be a self-assessment of your competencies against the concepts we have covered in this course. Make sure to effectively use the concepts discussed in class that are also available to you on Canvas. While this paper is self-reflective, supporting your … Read more

Use Roger’s five factors from the notes to discuss how quickly or slowly this innovation is likely to diffuse through the marketplace.

Indicate for each factor whether this is something that will likely speed up or slow down diffusion. GA3 Innovation This document is our group work, you can go on and write part, Use Roger’s five factors from the notes to discuss how quickly or slowly this innovation is likely to diffuse through the marketplace. Discuss … Read more

What is the climate like and how does this impact production and shipping?

What are the new technological advances that impact the apparel and textile industry that are available in your country. Make an infographic country poster about Taiwan COUNTRY RESEARCH PROJECT/MERCHANDISER’S APPAREL AND TEXTILE SOURCING GUIDE-INFOGRAPHIC SCOPE As part of the development of a sourcing strategy, it’s important to gain a comprehensive understanding of the countries’ condition … Read more

What kind of content is best suited for communicating here with these potential allies and assets?

How should video and photographic images be used Social Media and Fundraising for Non Profit organization TikTok/Instagram Analysis Develop five guidelines for using TikTok for your organization. What segments of donors, volunteers, clients, retail customers and potential employees should content target on this platform? What kind of content is best suited for communicating here with … Read more

What are some future research ideas based on these findings?

What are the implications of these findings? In other words, how can consumers or marketers use these findings in their lives or in their work? Each paper will be a 1 to 2-page summary of a research article (12pt Times New Roman font, 1” margins, double-spaced) and will give you experience with consumer research. The … Read more

What steps in the new product process would it use? What aspects of the consumer adoption process would be important?

New Phone. A mobile phone company is considering introducing a new phone. Outline the steps the company would take leading up to (and including) the introduction of the new phone to the market. What steps in the new product process would it use? What aspects of the consumer adoption process would be important?

Identify and describe the 6 P’s when developing a retail strategy.How are retailers different?What type/types of retailers will your product or service work best with?

Retail and Omnichannel Strategy Identify and describe the 6 P’s when developing a retail strategy.How are retailers different?What type/types of retailers will your product or service work best with? Describe an Omnichannel strategy for your product or service. Why does this strategy make sense for your product or service?