Explain how equal employment opportunity laws impact the organization’s compensation strategy.

Explain how equal employment opportunity laws impact the organization’s compensation strategy. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of pay-for-performance and competency-based pay. What strategy would you recommend for your organization, and why? Explain how various motivational theories can factor into your development of a multi-generational compensation package for your whole organization that includes indirect … Read more

Describe some reasons why Linux is installed on only a very small fraction of desktop computers.

Open Source Software and Cloud Computing. Describe some reasons why Linux is installed on only a very small fraction of desktop computers. Are there particular categories of products or users who might see Linux as more appealing than conventional operating systems? Do you think Linux’s share of the desktop market will increase? Why or why … Read more

Analyze the different models of team leadership and their application to the Health and Social Care sector.

Analyze the different models of team leadership and their application to the Health and Social Care sector. Explain the features of effective teams. Explain how challenges to effective team performance can be overcome. Analyze how different management styles may influence outcomes of team performance.

Recent leadership theories-Explain this theory and the background for its emergence.

Recent leadership theories. The theory of authentic leadership is often referred to as a normative theory and as a response to the challenge of “pseudo-transformation leaders” and to several scandals in which leaders have been embarrassed. Explain this theory and the background for its emergence. Give examples of leaders that you think can be understood … Read more

Explain Boeing’s organizational effectiveness using the Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model.

Explain Boeing’s organizational effectiveness using the Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model. Assess and analyze the alignment/congruence among: The organization’s key components including tasks, the formal organization, the people, and the informal organization. An emphasis should be placed on how these components interact with one another in ways that influence the outputs produced by the organization. The organization’s … Read more

Research the selected failed project of Denver International Airport Baggage Handling System.

Denver International Airport Baggage Handling System. Research the selected failed project of Denver International Airport Baggage Handling System. Assuming that you are appointed as a project manager to fix this failure, provide your analysis on the reason for failure and the solution and address the following in a report: Provide a background research on the … Read more

What sets successful CEOs apart? Explain  four essential behaviors that help them win at the top job and thrive once they get it.

Botelho, E. L., Rosenkoetter Powell, K., Kincaid, S., & Wang, D. (2017). What sets successful CEOs apart? Explain  four essential behaviors that help them win at the top job and thrive once they get it. Harvard Business Review, 95(3), 70–86. Topic: Critical Thinking and Decision Making Based on your reading, use the decision-making steps 1–6 … Read more

Define racial science, and discuss how social bias was supported by scientific research.

Read: Allan M.Brandt, “Racism and Research: The Case of the Tuskeegee Syphilis Study” and https://www.tuskegee.edu/about-us/centers-of-excellence/bioethics-center/about-the-usphs-syphilis-study; Charlotte Paul and Barbara Brookes, The rationalization of unethical research: revisionist accounts of the Tuskeegee syphilis study and the New Zealand “Unfortunate Experiment”, Journal of Public Health (2015), 105:e12-219 Post: It seems impossible to justify the continuation of the Tuskeegee … Read more