Identify an interpersonal conflict you are currently experiencing with one specific individual and describe the type of conflict you are experiencing.

Identify an interpersonal conflict you are currently experiencing with one specific individual and describe the type of conflict you are experiencing. It could be with a boss, subordinate, vendor/supplier, client, or co-worker. Analyze the conflict using the principles presented in our text and in the videos. First, identify and describe the type of conflict you … Read more

Demonstrate detailed and critical understanding of the theory and policy of corporate rescue.

Legal Aspects of Corporate Rescue (LWMLCR) Title: ‘The rescue system in its extant state gives fair and due consideration to the interests of stakeholders affected by the failure of a distressed entity.’ Critically examine this opinion, explaining the extent to which you agree or disagree. Demonstrate detailed and critical understanding of the theory and policy … Read more

What’s the role of time management when managing the event? What kinds of communication was used? What were some of the competing time conflicts? (

Run simultrain simulation with the following simulation parameters. Go to Select Login and enter the following parameters. Demo version Language English Scenario event Duration Two Periods Speed Fast 4 Refer to the simulation guide provided in Lesson 4 as a refresher. Submit a one page debrief on your simulation run results. Include a screen … Read more

Explain the following  5 general techniques for resolving conflicts: withdraw/avoid, smooth/accommodate, compromise/reconcile, force/direct and collaborate/ problem solve.

Explain the following  5 general techniques for resolving conflicts: withdraw/avoid, smooth/accommodate, compromise/reconcile, force/direct and collaborate/ problem solve. Pick any two and create an example using any three techniques and explain how the technique might work with a specific stakeholder category.

External Environment CVS : Based on the assessment and the organization’s strengths and weaknesses  identified , evaluate opportunities for that organization to add economic, social, and environmental value.

External Environment CVS Research on the external environment for the organization Based on the assessment and the organization’s strengths and weaknesses  identified , evaluate opportunities for that organization to add economic, social, and environmental value. Recommend an opportunity that best capitalizes on the organization’s valuable, rare, and hard-to-imitate resources, is least impacted by the organization’s … Read more

Define the selected action research process based on the action Research Case Study and Identify the intervention type selected in the  intervention selection and application assignment

Creating an Organizational Development Proposal Consider that you have been hired as a consultant to help the organization with the change challenge.Introduce the overall purpose of the project as related to organizational development and change challenges. Section 1 Summarize the Action Research Case Study . Justify why it is a problem and the type of … Read more

Explain  the risks of virtual teams

Explain  the risks of virtual teams. Specifically, internationalization and localization. Localization entails customization related to: Numeric, date and time formats Use of currency Keyboard usage Collation and sorting Symbols, icons and colors Text and graphics containing references to objects, actions or ideas which, in a given culture, may be subject to misinterpretation or viewed as … Read more

Design a Web page that would allow customers to enter a zip code and find the nearest store.

Elonzo’s Department Stores is a chain of about 50 retail stores, specializing in kitchen, bath, and other household items, including many decorative and fashionable items. Recently Elonzo’s decided to automate its gift registry to allow wedding and other event guests to be able to browse for items that were selected by the wedding couple or … Read more