Risk Management Plan: describe the process you will use to determine risk triggers .

Risk Management Plan The Project Management Institute (2017) describes ten strategies for responding to project risks. Five strategies are used for threats (negative risks), and five are used for opportunities (positive risks). Taking into account the Pepsi Refresh Project case study and the risks that you identified in previous weeks for this case study, develop … Read more

Apple, Inc. Strategic Analysis:History of the company and current status: when was the organization founded, why and by whom?discuss unusual history associated with the organization.

Apple, Inc. Strategic Analysis I. Introduction to the Organization – History of the Company & Current Status — A. When was the organization founded, why and by whom? Discuss unusual history associated with the organization. B. Is it privately or publicly held? C. Who are its top executives in terms of experience, academic credentials, diversity, … Read more

Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility: how would you characterize the ethical climate of your company?

Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility. How would you characterize the ethical climate of your company? What evidence is there to support your conclusion? If there have been any problems, try to determine whether this was due to the isolated actions of rogue managers or to more systemic, organization wide problems. Does the organization undertake investments … Read more

How do sociability, dominance, and openness contribute to coaching effectiveness?

“Should You Be a Coach” and “The Coaching Scale” self-assessments below. Upon completion, critique the assessments based on their applicability and contribution to your own coaching readiness and skill. How do sociability, dominance, and openness contribute to coaching effectiveness? How sociable, dominant, and open should a healthcare manager be in order to best coach employees … Read more

Ethical Analysis: discuss and illustrate the individual pressures faced and how the issues were handled or delegated to another position.

Ethical Analysis Select a work-related ethical scenario that you (or someone close to you) have experienced. Organizations and names should be changed when identifying references in the assignment. Compose an essay that addresses the following requirements: Identify the key positions, titles, and assigned responsibilities in the organization. Discuss and illustrate the individual pressures faced and … Read more

Strategic Management Research Journal: write a 525- to 700- microsoft word response to the following prompts in your journal entry.

Strategic Management Research Journal. Write a 525- to 700- Microsoft word response to the following prompts in your journal entry. Identify Caterpillar Inc.’s short-term and long-term goals. Evaluate how mergers and acquisitions in the last 3-5 years have contributed to Caterpillar Inc.’s performance and affected its organizational goals. Determine the most critical merger or acquisition … Read more

Leading change email: create an e-mail message in a word document to submit to for grading. Remember, you are the consultant and this is professional communication.

Leading change email Create an e-mail message in a word document to submit to for grading. Remember, you are the consultant and this is professional communication. The e-mail message should be clear and brief, yet succinct. You will get the opportunity to go into more detail later in the course. The message should be a … Read more

Select one diagnostic model to apply to the two chosen companies.choose the model that you feel best identifies and measures the relevant aspects of the organization’s performance.

Determining the Change (Milestone 2) Select a diagnostic model that you can utilize to review aspects of change activities and actions that have been taken by the companies chosen. For this analysis, we are looking at the parts of the companies as well as their strategies, as surmised by your earlier research. It is acknowledged … Read more