Negotiation skills: Write a detailed essay of your negotiation skills based on your “real life” experiences and experiences with the simulations .

Negotiation skills Write a detailed essay of your negotiation skills based on your “real life” experiences and experiences with the simulations . In thinking about your negotiations,  evaluate your skills,strengths as well as weaknesses as a negotiator. Critically analyze your main strengths and weaknesses as a negotiator using concepts from the module.

PROCTER AND GAMBLE: Discuss three new innovative ideas, products, or services you will bring to the company, so you are better able to compete in the global marketplace.

PROCTER AND GAMBLE Select a publically traded company. You will do research on your selected company, and answer the following questions: 1.SWOT analysis— you are the new CEO of the company who is looking to improve the effectiveness of the company. Perform a SWOT analysis, and discuss strategies to correct the weakness and threats that … Read more

Compare and contrast charismatic leadership from the understanding of leadership under the attribution theory.

Compare and contrast charismatic leadership from the understanding of leadership under the attribution theory. Textbook: Organizational Behavior 18th Edition – Publisher: Pearson Authors: Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge Formatting: Times New Roman – 10 font – 2x line spacing. Standard 4 sentence per paragraph.

Identify the characteristics of an effective team and the advantages of working in a team.

Identify the characteristics of an effective team and the advantages of working in a team. • Describe 1-2 different characteristics of an effective team. • For each characteristic, state what advantage they bring to team working. • For each characteristics and advantages try to link them to a relevant model such as Belbin and Tuckman.

Discuss what you feel are the three most critical elements that a leader must master within the organization for the company to be successful.

Discuss what you feel are the three most critical elements that a leader must master within the organization for the company to be successful. Complete the text portion in Times-New Roman font, with 1” margins and 12-pitch type, single-spaced between lines and double-spaced between paragraphs. Use either MLA or APA formats. You must cite your … Read more

Write a short thought paper about a topic related to current management issues.

Write a short thought paper about a topic related to current management issues. Describe what you would do differently if you were faced with the same situation described and why that course of action would be effective based on what we have learned. apply relevant theories discussed in class and do some outside research

Pros and cons of technology: Discuss the pros and cons of technology for Business.Reflect and explain the ways in which technology is enabling firms to be more efficient and successful, and the challenges/limitations that you foresee.

Pros and cons of technology •Discuss the pros and cons of technology for Business. •Reflect and explain the ways in which technology is enabling firms to be more efficient and successful, and the challenges/limitations that you foresee.

Fox’s Unitarism and Pluralism: using Fox’s unitarist and pluralist frames of reference, critically analyze the idea that organizational members share the same values and objectives.

Fox’s Unitarism and Pluralism Using Fox’s unitarist and pluralist frames of reference, critically analyze the idea that organizational members share the same values and objectives. Illustrate your answer by discussing two topics from the module •Analyze the arguments for/against both unitarism and pluralism • What does unitarism/pluralism look like for the chosen topic? • Does … Read more