Resistance and Communication : Diagnose the reasons for resistance to change. Interpret the potential causes of resistance in the organization. Identify and describe three potential causes of resistance to your change plan.

Resistance and Communication Using your selected organization, diagnose the organization’s level of resistance, and construct a solid communication plan by submitting a 5-page paper. Instructions Write a 4–6-page paper in which you: Diagnose the reasons for resistance to change. Interpret the potential causes of resistance in the organization. Identify and describe three potential causes of … Read more

Experimental impact of employees working hybrid and going to office twice a week for a month trial and write up a problem statement, hypothesis, test step which is the metric and criteria.

Experimental impact of employees working hybrid. Experimental impact of employees working hybrid and going to office twice a week for a month trial and write up a problem statement, hypothesis, test step which is the metric and criteria. Think about how you will capture feedback to prove the hypothesis and the frequency of data captured … Read more

Comprehensive Final : Recommend 5 policies which could have immediate impact on what we spend at the national level for healthcare? Despite the highest spending in the world, why are we behind other nations in child mortality, easy access to healthcare and other measures?

Comprehensive Final 1. Define the following financial tools and what would be the appropriate use of such a tool: a. Break-even analysis b. Sensitivity analysis c. ROI d. Variance Analysis e. Financial forecasting 2. How do patients benefit from this new law which became effective on January 1, 2022? How does this law affect other … Read more

Action Learning : For each of the scenarios below, explain what you think went wrong and how it could be fixed based on what you have learned about action learning in the background readings.

Action Learning For this assignment, pretend that you are a leadership development coach assigned to help some organizations fix their action learning programs. For each of the scenarios below, explain what you think went wrong and how it could be fixed based on what you have learned about action learning in the background readings. For … Read more

Financial plan : Explain the ways in which the business and strategic plans of the organization fit together.

Financial plan Explain the ways in which the business and strategic plans of the organization fit together. What concepts and ideas were considered? Summarize the required resources and the personnel involved in and affected by the plan. What data/ information did you use when formulating the plan?With whom did you consult with and why did … Read more

Strategies : Crate what you think are the four best strategies using the S,W,O, and T factors.

 Strategies Review your SFAS Matrix and identify what you believe to be the two most strategic S,W,O, and T factors facing your firm. Place these eight factors on your TOWS matrix, with the two Opportunities and the two Threats going down the first right column. Place your two Strengths and your two Weaknesses in the … Read more

leadership Compare and contrast the servant leadership model with at least one of the other models of leadership discussed in our text.

leadership Compare and contrast the servant leadership model with at least one of the other models of leadership discussed in our text. Identify the critical ideas of how the models of leadership work, when they are effective and when they are likely not to be effective, and the effects that the models are likely to … Read more

Write a critical essay of 6000 words (100%) which integrates theory and practice of the nature and exercise of leadership.

Theories of the nature and exercise of leadership Write a critical essay of 6000 words (100%) which integrates theory and practice of the nature and exercise of leadership. The assignment should include a clear structure with an abstract, a list of references and, where appropriate, appendices and diagrams. You must make appropriate use of journal … Read more

Creativity : Which one of the four types of creativity is your strongest skill? Explain why and how you have developed this type of creativity?

Creativity. Creative Problem-Solving Process:  Creativity and Problem Solving  Brain Teasers  Review Figure 3.1 Four Types of Creativity. Which one of the four types of creativity is your strongest skill? Explain why and how you have developed this type of creativity? Discuss if you are a lateral thinker or a vertical thinker, and why?

Technological Changes and Ethical Challenges : Using the technology readiness levels, assess how technology is limiting the emergence of this industry.

Technological Changes and Ethical Challenges. Case: Orr, J., A. Abbas, and J. Dann (2018) “Autonomous Vehicles: Technological Changes and Ethical Challenges” USC Marshall. (Harvard Business School Press) Identify the main technologies in the autonomous vehicle industry. Using the technology readiness levels, assess how technology is limiting the emergence of this industry. Limit your answer to … Read more