Consider the utility of Twitter, Facebook, or similar social media vehicles. Using 140 characters or less, develop a social media hash tag that will promote public health awareness and increase local health communication efforts.

Public health awareness Consider the utility of Twitter, Facebook, or similar social media vehicles. Using 140 characters or less, develop a social media hash tag that will promote public health awareness and increase local health communication efforts. Provide a brief explanation of the campaign aims and target audience.

What is the intrapreneurship role and effect on the firm development and strategy.

The Role of Intrapreneurship in the Modern Organization. Read the “Five Insights into Intrapreneurship” from Deloitte and write an essay on “The Role of Intrapreneurship in the Modern Organization”. Find a case similar to the the Deloitte case study in Russian corporation of your choice and analyze how the successful experiences with intrapreneurship were organized … Read more

Are you currently or have you ever implemented a group contingency plan to manage your students’ behavior?Discuss.

Behavior management Are you currently or have you ever implemented a group contingency plan to manage your students’ behavior?Discuss. How long have you been implementing group contingency plans? How did you learn about group contingency plans? Describe the type of group contingency plan you are using. How did you learn about this type of plan? How … Read more

Demonstrate your understanding on the principles of open book management and how it is part of the loose control but tight accountability needed in an entrepreneurial organization.

Risk management Demonstrate your understanding on the principles of open book management and how it is part of the loose control but tight accountability needed in an entrepreneurial organization. Explain how risk can be managed and use basic risk management techniques, such es risk classification end the development of key risk indicators, as that risks … Read more

Compose a paper about procurement in NGOs operating in post-conflicted areas and find out how procurement is according to theories.

Making in NGOs when selecting suppliers. Words count: about 5000 Compose a paper about procurement in NGOs operating in post-conflicted areas and find out how procurement is according to theories. Compare the findings to what is implemented in practice, and try to find ways to improve the existing procedures.

Identify and critically analyze a key area of development in the industry over the last 3 years.

Petroleum management and Governance Identify and critically analyze a key area of development in the industry over the last 3 years. Use evidence to show how this is impacting the industry. Using the example of a specific company, use theory to explore what strategies/policies might management adopt in order to make their company success sustainable … Read more

Prepare a preliminary estimate for the owner of a proposed residential building to be constructed in Sydney’s CBD. There are two schemes being considered.

Building Cost Studies Prepare a preliminary estimate for the owner of a proposed residential building to be constructed in Sydney’s CBD. There are two schemes being considered. You have been given the responsibility to make sure that the design team and the client are aware of the cost of the two alternatives.

As a team of construction managers,prepare a final Pre-Construction Management Plan to win a bid for a contract at a prestigious Tier 1 CBD high-rise construction project.

Pre–Construction Management PlanAs a team of construction managers,prepare a final Pre–Construction Management Plan to win a bid for a contract at a prestigious Tier 1 CBD high-rise construction project. If short–listed by the developers. Your proposal will cover best practices in high–rise construction and major processes pertinent to its success.

Write a paper on a local or international healthcare organization that has successfully managed change on a major scale.

Change Write a paper on a local or or international healthcare organization that has successfully managed change on a major scale. Address at least 3 aspects of the change. Critically analyze the approach taken by this organization and compare their approach to the change management theoretical models and any other change management best practices found … Read more