Identify at least three separate coordination efforts that were utilized within this specific disaster, describe how these coordination efforts may have been effective in either speeding up the response and/or recovery efforts, reducing human suffering, or reducing the overall financial cost of the response.

Coordination efforts Review the attached Situation Report, Flash Report, Emergency Action Plan, and/or other related reports and identify any coordination efforts, including the use of On-Site Operations Coordination Centre (OSOCC), Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Coordination, Civil-Military Coordination, Non-Government Organization (NGO) Coordination, etc. Identify at least three separate coordination efforts that were utilized within this … Read more

How has your current or previous organization complied with Bart’s recommendations? If the company was not or is not complying, explain how they have addressed ethics. What do they need to do to better comply with Bart’s suggestions?

Ethics Access the article on ethics by Bart, C. (2011) in the reading area. Based on the recommendations by Bart in the article: How has your current or previous organization complied with Bart’s recommendations? If the company was not or is not complying, explain how they have addressed ethics. What do they need to do … Read more

Based on the research in your chosen article, what is the one factor that has a direct and positive impact on knowledge retention, and why?

Article Critique Research the databases in the CSU Online Library, and locate an article for a critique that covers effective training delivery methods for adult learners. The article must be at least four pages in length and published within the last 7 years. Be sure to cover the topics below in your critique. Identify and … Read more

Select one training theory. Discuss the training theory and its primary tenets.Explain why you recommend this theory.

Training and Development Imagine that you work for a global automobile manufacturer as a lead training and development associate. The head of human resources (HR) has had meetings with various departments, and a training need was identified by the sales department. Sales have dropped considerably in the last quarter, and through a training needs analysis, … Read more

Determine if budget or schedule changes are necessary, and explain why.

Project Progress During the project life cycle, project risk reviews and reports are required, as previously identified in the risk management plan. Two months after the project started, the following events have taken place: The top two threats have occurred. The top opportunity has been realized. The project’s risk budget is already exhausted. The risk … Read more

For a fictitious company that has manufacturing facilities in the United States and one other country of your choice , select two of the five value dimensions from Hofstede’s framework, and compare/contrast these dimensions with how the United States facility would be run versus the one you have selected, based on these work-related values.

Cultural Dimensions As a precursor to the assignment you will submit in Unit 10, you will address cultural dimensions as seen in your learning activity and the reading on pages 163–165 from Chapter 5 . Review these and do some research on the Internet. For a fictitious company that has manufacturing facilities in the United … Read more

Do some research on the Internet and explain what a flat organization structure refers to. Then provide an example and explain why it is considered flat.

Organization Structure Do some research on the Internet and explain what a flat organization structure refers to. Then provide an example and explain why it is considered flat. Which type of organization will be around in the long term, in your opinion? Which organization type (based on structural attributes) would you want to work for?

Select three of the images of change . Then, analyze how those particular images would affect the ensuing diagnosis and implementation in your two selected companies on their change plans.

The Change Analysis Images of Change The Images section focuses on the six different images of managing change and how each approach to change affects all that follows in its implementation and continued support. Download the Project Images Grid from the Course Resources area. Select three of the images of change . Then, analyze how … Read more

What is the intrapreneurship role and effect on the firm development and strategy.

Five Insights into Intrapreneurship Read the “Five Insights into Intrapreneurship” from Deloitte and write an essay on “The Role of Intrapreneurship in the Modern Organization”. Find a case similar to the the Deloitte case study in Russian corporation of your choice and analyze how the successful experiences with intrapreneurship were organized in the firm. (1) … Read more