Victorian Era : Why were fantastic and gothic stories so popular in the Victorian Era?What was a woman question in Victorian Era?

Victorian Era 1. Why were fantastic and gothic stories so popular in the Victorian Era? 2. What was a woman question in Victorian Era? 3. What does it mean that Shakespeare was an innovator of English Language? 4. What was original about William Blake’s work? 5. What was so revolutionary about Thomas Moor’s Utopia? 6. … Read more

Sonnet 73 : How do the metaphors used in either Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 73” or Millay’s  contribute to that poem’s argument, central idea, or theme?

Sonnet 73 How do the metaphors used in either Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 73” or Millay’s  contribute to that poem’s argument, central idea, or theme? The poem can be found below That time of year thou mayst in me behold When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang Upon those boughs which shake against the cold, … Read more

Explain how feminism has brought today and how its meaning has been distorted with the lens of literature

Feminism Explain how feminism has brought today and how its meaning has been distorted with the lens of literature Paper details: 1. Finding historical steps from literature. (mainly on literature review.) 2. Adding more literature for comparison is fine, but it should contain “The Yellow Wallpaper”, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman specifically, and “Egalia’s Daughters “by … Read more

Write an explanation about each quote of Othello the Moor of Venice and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time: Christopher

Othello the Moor of Venice and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time Write an explanation about each quote of Othello the Moor of Venice and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time: Christopher Reminders: Always write in the third person. Never use my, I or you. Always write in the … Read more

Gilgamesh : Write a brief description of each and what she does in the story. Can you get any general ideas about the roles of women in ancient Sumeria from this? Explain, using specific examples from the story.

Gilgamesh Make a list of all of the female characters in Gilgamesh. Write a brief description of each and what she does in the story. Can you get any general ideas about the roles of women in ancient Sumeria from this? Explain, using specific examples from the story.

Write your essay as if today is the last day of class and you are telling your audience what you did to get an “A” in the class.

Write your essay as if today is the last day of class and you are telling your audience what you did to get an “A” in the class. Use the Past Tense.include strategies you learned in class skills you developed throughout the course What did you do differently in this class that helped you achieve … Read more

Use the movie as a comparative text. Did you develop a different perspective on the characters based on how they are presented in the film?

When I Was Puerto Rican Book by Esmeralda Santiago On the below, there is two option only do any one option out of two. Option #1: Pick a scene to draw based on Negis description & write up 1 page explaining the tone and mood that is set and expressed through her writing Option #2: … Read more