Compare the two artists and show that in every art form, and in every era, artists have come along who defy expectations and introduce new forms to their field.

Unconventional Artists Compare the two artists and show that in every art form, and in every era, artists have come along who defy expectations and introduce new forms to their field. Sometimes those new forms are embraced immediately, while others take a bit longer to become accepted. Later, we look back and realize how ground-breaking … Read more

What, according to Orwell, does it mean to be human? How does the governing body in 1984 exploit certain tendencies, weaknesses and even strengths that human beings possess in order to, ironically, control and dehumanize humankind?

Orwell With a 1000 word essay with 3-4 body paragraphs respond to the prompt: In 1984, the protagonist, Winston, attempts to “stay human” in the face of a dehumanizing, totalitarian regime. What, according to Orwell, does it mean to be human? How does the governing body in 1984 exploit certain tendencies, weaknesses and even strengths … Read more

Explain how Milkman’s relationships with other characters allows a deeper understanding of suggested morals or simply how through his relationships with other characters readers can better understand the personality of said other characters.

Song of Solomon What is the significance of Milkman from Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison. Explain how Milkman’s relationships with other characters allows a deeper understanding of suggested morals or simply how through his relationships with other characters readers can better understand the personality of said other characters.

Write an essay in which you analyze Morrison’s writing.Determine whether it was her characters, themes and/or the action in the novel that perhaps served to change your mind about the actions of a Margaret Garner.

Morrison’s writing Write an essay in which you analyze Morrison’s writing.Determine whether  it was her characters, themes and/or the action in the novel that perhaps served to change your mind about the actions of a Margaret Garner. Provide examples from the novel in your analysis. Your essay should use MLA Format and be at least … Read more

Identify, maintain, collect, analyze, and reconstruct all appropriate physical evidence at a crime scene.

Crimes 1. Identify, maintain, collect, analyze, and reconstruct all appropriate physical evidence at a crime scene. 2.Evaluates the integrity of research literatures based on the findings of collections of studies rather than the systematic details of individual studies, and it is regarded as the supreme authority of scientific objectivity. 3. To determine what happened in … Read more

Search and watch a movie on the Life of Bernard G. Shaw and explain how his life experiences influenced his Writing.

The Life of Bernard G. Search and watch a movie on the Life of Bernard G. Shaw and explain how his Life Experiences Influenced his Writing. Paper should cover some of his famous movies and how society and the occurrence of those decades helped influence his writing. Furthermore, the societies and scenarios the playwright found … Read more

Compare and contrast the two Indian humanitarians Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa.

Indian LiteratureCompare and Contrast Essay Directions: Compare and contrast the two Indian humanitarians Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa. These are two very important figures in the history of India, and you have read nonfiction pieces detailing their lives. Now, in essay format, you will reveal how Gandhi and Mother Teresa are similar and different. Requirements:-­‐Essay … Read more