Elaborate on Attridge’s critique of an instrumental approach to literature, and his claim that the literary domain can be seen as valuable for its cultivation of an openness to Otherness and a willingness to change.

Elaborate on Attridge’s critique of an instrumental approach to literature, and his claim that the literary domain can be seen as valuable for its cultivation of an openness to Otherness and a willingness to change.

Discuss it in detail Sappho’s Brothers Poem/ Brothers Song

The new fragments of Sappho- the brothers poem/song. Discuss it in detail Sappho’s Brothers Poem/ Brothers Song • What do we know of this lost work, its author, its genre and its original literary and historical context? • What types of evidence do we possess for this lost work, and what are the special characteristics … Read more

Elaborate on Attridge’s critique of an instrumental approach to literature, and his claim that the literary domain can be seen as valuable for its cultivation of an openness to Otherness and a willingness to change.

Elaborate on Attridge’s critique of an instrumental approach to literature, and his claim that the literary domain can be seen as valuable for its cultivation of an openness to Otherness and a willingness to change.

Social media : compose and discuss the topic of body image and the media, with authors taking different positions in the argument about the possible relationship between media and poor body image, self-esteem, and related issues such as eating disorders or mental illnesses.

Social media Compose and discuss the topic of body image and the media, with authors taking different positions in the argument about the possible relationship between media and poor body image, self-esteem, and related issues such as eating disorders or mental illnesses.Approximate 850-1000 words

Social e:Lanier’s book: pick one quotation from those below and replace “rhetoric” with “social media.”considering these quotations, how does Lanier’s book hold up when viewed through contemporary scholarship?

Social e:Lanier’s book Read and responded to Lanier’s ten arguments for deleting social media. You’ve moved through 2000+ years of rhetorical theory, and you have produced and analyzed different argumentation methods. At this point, we’ve come to the 20th and 21st centuries. Contemporary research about argumentation often focuses on argument as much broader than public, … Read more

Write a six to eight page research paper that focuses on the use of themes in novels, generally and/or the novel Jazz, specifically.

Final Research Paper. Write a six to eight page research paper that focuses on the use of themes in novels, generally and/or the novel Jazz, specifically. Hence, you will research five (5) to seven (7) additional sources to more fully explore the theme (s). Consequently, your final Reference or Works Cited Page must have six … Read more

Describe what locusts usually represent in literature? If not, look it up. Now, relate the significance of locusts to novels. In what way are the locusts foreshadowing and perhaps ironic. What is their significance?(choose any novel to explain side.State the name of the novel reffered)

Description Write  original posts. Your original post/answer will take the form a paragraph that directly answers the question, using examples from the text. You are required to include one quote from the text (with an MLA in-text citation) in each original post, to use as evidence of your analysis. MLA in-text citations include the author’s … Read more