Discuss it as though you are explaining it to a friend so that he or she/he might understand.

This work is from the Victorian Age. The focus is knowledge. John Henry Cardinal Newman The Idea of a University 150-200 words in length. Roughly two (2) paragraphs. In your own words, explain why Newman believes a gentleman should cultivate “gentleness and effeminacy (tenderness) of feeling, you know, get in touch with his feminine side … Read more

Is Omelas a religious place?-What kind of religion(s) do the people of Omelas have?

Omelas short answers 14 questions https://www.studypool.com/questions/download?id=2818960&path=uploads/questions/293997/20230422215342omelas_pdf.pdf&fileDownloadName=attachment_2 “Those Who Walk Away From Omelas” by Ursula LeGuin Reading Guide Lit Studies On what day does the story take place? What is a major event on this day? What kind of technology does Omelas have? LeGuin writes, WHAT is she trying to convince us of? Is Omelas a … Read more

How and why does Harriet Beecher Stowe use sentimentality in the excerpt of Uncle Tom’s Cabin to show the brutal effects of slavery?

PURPOSE OF ASSIGNMENT This assignment is designed to help you focus on a topic from the literature we have read in Units 4 and 5 and develop an argument about that topic based upon one of the questions provided for you below. You only have to choose one of the questions for this assignment, but … Read more

After watching the above video, write a half page response in which you describe the author’s writing craft, what age you believe children would be interested in the books, and your personal response to what you watched.

Author Spotlight: Alma Flor Ada After watching the above video, write a half page response in which you describe the author’s writing craft, what age you believe children would be interested in the books, and your personal response to what you watched. https://youtu.be/Ihia7-1SE0M

What stands out to you as an important piece of what she has to say? In what ways have your experiences with reading shaped who you are?

For Justice Sotomayor, Books Unlocked Imagination Listen to the audio recording below and then respond to the following prompt: What stands out to you as an important piece of what she has to say? In what ways have your experiences with reading shaped who you are? Complete a reflection about this reading and your own … Read more

Literary critics warn us to be wary of attributing cause and effect in this era, for one could just as well claim that perhaps it was the revolutions that caused people of the era to value change. Chicken or egg: which came first?Explain.

Romanticism. The Romantic era placed great value in the new, in change, which was fortunate as revolutions brought many. Literary critics warn us to be wary of attributing cause and effect in this era, for one could just as well claim that perhaps it was the revolutions that caused people of the era to value … Read more