Write a Request for Proposal (RFP) that includes ethical guidelines that minimize the risks of unethical contracting practices, and is in compliance with federal guidelines on fraud, fair contracting and contract-related public policies.

Draft Request for Proposal (RFP) Note: The assignments in this course are a series of papers that build on one another. Please see the first assignment file/upload e\attachment below "Code of conduct assessment", Imagine your agency is ready to solicit bids for a new project. You are tasked with drafting a Request for Proposal (RFP) … Read more

Florida’s Construction defect statute: explain the effectiveness of this statute and its benefits.

Florida’s Construction defect statute “Ten Pages of Content or longer-term paper with proper accreditation addressing: Florida’s Construction defect statuteĀ  which became effective on May 27, 2003, has caused considerable confusion among construction practitioners and contractors relating to its procedure and enforcement. This statute dramatically altered the industry in the litigation of construction defect claims by … Read more

Discuss the key factors in each of the acts below that demonstrate that they are foundational components of government contract law and the federal acquisition process.

Examine the legislation from the discussion preparation and how the legislation supports government contract law and the federal acquisition process. Discuss the key factors in each of the acts below that demonstrate that they are foundational components of government contract law and the federal acquisition process.Provide an example or scenario of each to support your … Read more

Select and research one healthcare compliance legal case in the united states involving FRAUD AND ABUSE which was brought forward by a whistleblower (relator).

Select and research one healthcare compliance legal case in the united states involving FRAUD AND ABUSE which was brought forward by a whistleblower (relator). Write a paper to include the following: The motive of the whistleblower The reason the whistleblower brought the issue forward What is the Issue? Specific Law(s) broken Was the allegation valid? … Read more