Contract laws :Advise Peter whether Best Phones Ltd can reply on the exemption clause to exclude its liabilities.

Contract laws Peter is a Managing Director of Spring Garden Ltd and he wants to buy 10 mobile phones for the company’s employees. He visits the office of Best Phones Ltd and chooses the latest models. At the reception desk, he is given a contract of sale which he does not read. He simply signs … Read more

Explains under which circumstances and under which terms the deprivation of the right of ownership can be justified.

THE CONSTITUTION AND IMMOVABLE PROPERTY •Explains under which circumstances and under which terms limitations to the exercise on the right of ownership can be put. •Explains under which circumstances and under which terms the deprivation of the right of ownership can be justified.  

Drawing on Sim’s article (2016) on prisons’ budget cuts during austerity, critically discuss the following quote:

Sim’s article (2016) on prisons Drawing on Sim’s article (2016) on prisons’ budget cuts during austerity, critically discuss the following quote: “The current [prison] crisis has been relentlessly tied to the budget cuts. While the cuts have intensified the crisis, they are not its cause”.

Critically analyze to what extent the Fraud Act 2006 has been a success.

Fraud Act 2006 The Fraud Act 2006 represents the most radical change in the law of criminal fraud since 1968.Although it is a short Act it will have the effect of significantly altering the way in which the criminal courts deal with fraud.” Farrell S et al, Blackstone’s Guide to The Fraud Act 2006 (OUP … Read more

Discuss how sections 117A, 117B and 117C of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 affect a decision maker’s approach to the deportation of a foreign criminal.

Immigration law Discuss how sections 117A, 117B and 117C of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 affect a decision maker’s approach to the deportation of a foreign criminal. Explain what human rights arguments immigration practitioners can make on behalf of their foreign criminal clients who face deportation. In your opinion, should sections 117A, 117B … Read more

State a persuasive Case Theory for the Defence.Justify the effectiveness of your case theory addressing the Prosecution’s case.

Advocacy in Criminal Trial Answer BOTH of the following questions.1. Using the R v ? brief, in a separate X-page document, complete THREE of the following tasks (a)-(e). You should support your answers to this part of the assessment with any relevant law and references to commentary, including but not limited to works on the … Read more

Critically evaluate the above statement in the light of the (then) House of Lords’ decision in the case of National Westminster Bank plc v Spectrum. Has the court in Spectrum been mistaken in their understanding of the distinction between floating and fixed charges?

 ‘To Comply or Not to Comply: “The distinction between fixed and floating charges could be views as a fragile concept. Moreover, with a lack of statutory definitions to increase this distinction’s robustness, there is still much uncertainty to be addressed.” Jacob En Lun Lim, ‘The Concept of a Charge and the Fragility That Lies beneath … Read more

“Although, comply or explain has been hailed as a reasonable concept that improves corporate governance without the need for rigid, and/or cumbersome regulation, the concept has been criticised for its effectiveness and applicability.”Discuss.

Corporate governance “Although, comply or explain has been hailed as a reasonable concept that improves corporate governance without the need for rigid, and/or cumbersome regulation, the concept has been criticised for its effectiveness and applicability.”Discuss.