Explain the basic legal rights of businesses or individuals who are affected by your chosen cybercrime issue.

Cybercrime 1. Explain the basic legal rights of businesses or individuals who are affected by your chosen cybercrime issue. 2. Explain at least two techniques people within your city can use to protect 3. Provide a list of resources (including a brief description and contact information) that would provide businesses or individuals in your city … Read more

Apply and critically appraise administrative principles associated with standard forms of construction related head, minor works and alternative design and construct forms.

Contract Administration. 1. Apply and critically appraise administrative principles associated with standard forms of construction related head, minor works and alternative design and construct forms. 2. Assess and evaluate the appropriate selection, preparation andadministration of construction contracts. 3. Develop your judgement relating to the benefits of the literalapplication of the contract contrasted with the understanding … Read more

Migration Interview Report : How did your interviewee’s identities shape their experience of migrating?

Migration Interview Report Interview a person who has migrated, asking them abouttheir experience after migrating. Write a report responding to in your own words: (1) How did your interviewee’s identities shape their experience of migrating? (2) What is the broad context in which the person you interview migrated ? (3) Can the concept of othering, … Read more

Critically evaluate the extent to which recent debates about the patenting of CRISPR technologies raise legal and ethical issues that have similarities with earlier attempts to patent stem cell invention.

Debates about the patenting of CRISPR technologies Critically evaluate the extent to which recent debates about the patenting of CRISPR technologies raise legal and ethical issues that have similarities with earlier attempts to patent stem cell invention. Illustrate your answer with reference to the relevant case law discussing the actual or potential advantages for society … Read more

Critically analyze to what extent the Fraud Act 2006 has been a success.

Law of criminal fraud The Fraud Act 2006 represents the most radical change in the law of criminal fraud since 1968…Although it is a short Act it will have the effect of significantly altering the way in which the criminal courts deal with fraud.” Farrell S et al, Blackstone’s Guide to The Fraud Act 2006 … Read more

Produce a plan of a Crown’s Opening Speech of how the Prosecution might introduce its case to the jury at the start of the trial.

Advocacy in Criminal Trial.  Using the R v ? brief, in a separate X-page document, complete THREE of the following tasks (a)-(e). You should support your answers to this part of the assessment with any relevant law and references to commentary, including but not limited to works on the module’s Reading List. (a) State a … Read more

In other words, this provincial city is, as Britons would phrase it, a quintessential “crap town.” So, why would Rogaly bother to research and write about this uninspiring backwater, or so its reputation holds, especially in the context of Brexit?

From 2019 to 2021, a period during which geographer Ben Rogaly published Stories from a Migrant City, which focuses on Peterborough in Cambridgeshire, an online poll ranked Peterborough as the worst place to live in England. In other words, this provincial city is, as Britons would phrase it, a quintessential “crap town.” So, why would … Read more

Critically examine Locke’s central claims about the identity of persons through time and the arguments he offers in support of them.

Choose one of the following topics, and write a short paper (maximum 5 pages typed, double-spaced, with generous margins) on the topic. 1. Critically examine Locke’s central claims about the identity of persons through time and the arguments he offers in support of them. 2. Describe and critically evaluate Berkeley’s heat-pain/sweet-pleasure argument. 3. Berkeley appeals … Read more

Critically evaluate the applicability of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 to sales of Computer software.

Court of Appeal Critically evaluate the Court of Appeal’s decision in Barry v Davies paying particular attention to the significance of Pill LJ’s concurring judgment. Critically evaluate the applicability of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 to sales of Computer software.