What are the requirements in law for a valid consent to, or refusal of, medical treatment?

Medicine, Ethics and The Law Assessment. What are the requirements in law for a valid consent to, or refusal of, medical treatment? Should it be possible for a doctor to override a competent patient’s refusal of life-sustaining medical treatment if the doctor considers it to be in the patients best interests?  

Discuss the ‘better law’ approach strike between conflicts justice and material justice, and between certainty and flexibility.

Private International law ‘The pursuit of conflicts justice and legal certainty in EU private international law is misguided. Robert A Leflar’s “better law” approach is the better approach to choice of law.’ Critically discuss the balance EU law as retained in the UK Discuss the ‘better law’ approach strike between conflicts justice and material justice, … Read more

Relocation: What is the controlling statutory law?

1. Relocation: What is the controlling statutory law? What is the seminal case addressing the issue of removal? How does that case affect the analysis of a relocation case? How have other courts interpreted that case? How has the case law evolved since that case was decided? How has it evolved with the revisions to … Read more

Summarizes research methodology, findings, and conclusion.

Making the language as simple as possible because I am not a native English speaker. delete anything that contradict with the other. Its free or almost free of errors of grammar, spelling, and writing mechanics; and appropriately documented source of references. that the thesis is written in a proper way. Clearly stated problem and question … Read more

Describe the five goals of contemporary criminal sentencing. Which of these goals do you think ought to be the primary goal of sentencing?

Describe the five goals of contemporary criminal sentencing. Which of these goals do you think ought to be the primary goal of sentencing? How might your choice vary with the type of offense? In what circumstances might your choice be less acceptable? In 2-3 paragraphs explain the difference between indeterminate and structured sentencing. What led … Read more

How many states have capital punishment? What are the execution methods? Do you support or oppose capital punishment?

How many states have capital punishment? What are the execution methods? Do you support or oppose capital punishment? Who is the last individual to be executed in the United States. Go into detail on this topic by researching individual states or when the last person was electrocuted etc.