Blockchain technology- What is the essence of the Blockchain Technology? what is a distributed ledger?

Blockchain technology-Background. What is the essence of the Blockchain Technology? what is a distributed ledger? Blockchain key Features and Applications Blockchain platforms that support Smart Contracts what makes the Blockchain innovation unique in the context of the contracting process? Smart Contracts and DLT Give the Characteristics of Smart contracts that entrench the stability of the … Read more

If the challenge is successful, a new statement of the law will take the place of the old statement” Lord Hobhouse. Discuss.

The strength of the common law is its ability to develop and evolve. All this carries with it the inevitable need to recognize that decisions may change. What was previously thought to be the law is open to challenge and review; If the challenge is successful, a new statement of the law will take the … Read more

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the English legal system and legal rules and principles.

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the English legal system and legal rules and principles. Apply legal rules and principles to given scenarios in order to present a legal argument using appropriate terminology. Analyze and evaluate legal rules, principles. concepts and issues