The approach taken by the Court of Justice to the doctrine of Supremacy of Union law has not been accepted without question by the courts of the Member States’. Critically analyze this statement with reference to at least one Member State.

EU LAW ASSESSMENT ‘The approach taken by the Court of Justice to the doctrine of Supremacy of Union law has not been accepted without question by the courts of the Member States’. Critically analyze this statement with reference to at least one Member State. ‘The EU’s level of fundamental rights protection has increased consistently over … Read more

Evaluate and apply the necessary factors for the establishment of Tort and tortious liability for negligence and product liability.

Explain the UK legal framework and identify the key sources of Law. Evaluate and apply the necessary factors for the establishment of Tort and tortious liability for negligence and product liability. Identify, explain and apply essential of a valid contract and the factors which may affect the validity of the contract, which include distinguishing express … Read more

Irish constitutional law-Write an essay that addresses the reasons why the judges agreed that the minister’s decision had been unlawful (or based on an error of law).

Irish constitutional law. Write an essay that addresses each of the following matters as it relates to the decision of the Irish Supreme Court in Gorry v Minister for Justice [2020] IESC 55 Write an essay that addresses the reasons why the judges agreed that the minister’s decision had been unlawful (or based on an … Read more

Refer to the case of US – Gambling: how did the panel and the Appellate Body interpret the national treatment commitment set out in the Services Schedule of the USA?

Global Trade Law. Explain the elements of the test of consistency with the national treatment obligation contained in GATS Article XVII:1. Refer to the case of US – Gambling: how did the panel and the Appellate Body interpret the national treatment commitment set out in the Services Schedule of the USA? Can a national treatment … Read more