“A Soldier’s Girl”: How do beauty norms affect women and men differently? How does a focus on beauty for women serve to maintain women’s subordinate status?

Video Link: https://www.veoh.com/watch/v18377104JBmgt2kG What are your reactions to watching “A Soldier’s Girl”? Did this stir up any emotions? Have your views, opinions, and or perspective of the transgender people changed? If so, How? 3. How do beauty norms affect women and men differently? How does a focus on beauty for women serve to maintain women’s … Read more

Video #1:“An Evening with Gloria Steinem”: write an overview of her presentation and what you thought about it.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWdB-3u0Sr0

FORMAT: Your essay should be in APA format, around 2 pages (3 maximum), double-spaced, 12pt, and in Times Roman font. Please watch the first 10 minutes of both of the following videos. Then, select the one you would like to watch until the end. When you’re done watching it, read through the questions below. Video … Read more

Explain whether force can be used in self defence by a state when the armed attack that it is responding to was perpetrated by a non-state actor.

Explain whether force can be used in self defence by a state when the armed attack that it is responding to was perpetrated by a non-state actor. Form of the essay: Text (including quotations) must be in Times New Roman 12 point font. • Line spacing must be at one and a half lines; except … Read more

Porperty Law: explain the effect of ss.101, 103 and 105 of the law of property Act 1925 on mortgagors and mortgagees.

Porperty Law In 2002, Jane and Francis (the Smiths) bought a plot of land from George, a local farmer. The plot was adjacent to the land on which George’s house stood and used to be part of the farm. George had built a large house on the plot which was sold to the Smiths with … Read more

Case Summary on e-Agreement: identify the offer, method of acceptance, and consideration in the e-contract.

Case Summary on e-Agreement When nearly everything is moving online, agreements are no different. Even in daily life,accept licensing and other agreements online. Take a look at the legal aspects of E-agreements. Find an e-Contract and post a summary of this document. Summary should include the following items: Identify the offer, method of acceptance, and … Read more

Explain the variability of quasi contract recovery among the states .using FindLaw.com, http://www.law.cornell.edu/opinions.html#state

Sometimes, common law varies slightly from state to state. Find out whether the common law, as to when a person can recover using quasi contract, varies among the states in your region. Using FindLaw.com, http://www.law.cornell.edu/opinions.html#state , or the search engine of your choice, locate one case in your current state and one case in three … Read more

Health Care Laws : evaluate the implications of the selected law on the health care system

Health Care Laws The health law field currently has undergone, and will continue to undergo, enormous change. Among the multitude of challenges are legal implications that come with electronic health records (EHRs), payments based on patient outcomes, mergers, fraud, insurance disbursements, and antitrust laws—just to name few. In addition, disruptive medical innovations, such as biotechnology … Read more

Do you think the issues can achieve the purpose? Why / why not?

Read specified parts. Your task will be to answer the following questions, 1.Are the parts you read related? As a reader, can you guess what comes next? 2.What sources has the essay writer used in his problem formulation? Are these sources sufficient to formulate a problem? 3.Does the purpose describe in detail how the problem … Read more