Prepare an 11- to 15-page paper that assesses a legal/ethical issue or situation relating to a current, previous, or potential future work environment.

Prepare an 11- to 15-page paper that assesses a legal/ethical issue or situation relating to a current, previous, or potential future work environment. Use at least 10 scholarly sources that are suitable for research in a graduate-level course. A description of a business situation that presents a legal and ethical issue. The business situation must … Read more

“Equity will not assist a volunteer.” Critically discuss and evaluate the extent to which this maxim is true in the context of: outright gifts from one individual to another,express trusts and resulting trusts.

EQUITY AND TRUSTS “Equity will not assist a volunteer.” Critically discuss and evaluate the extent to which this maxim is true in the context of: (a) Outright gifts from one individual to another.                                                                                                  (b) Express trusts                                                                                                                                                         (c) Resulting trusts. Word limit: 2,000

What would be the advantages and disadvantages of replacing conventions with statutory provisions?

Public Law Portfolio Portfolio task 1 On a single line in the heading section of word place your (1) Full name (as it appears on your eVision records). Please see University guidance if you have not accessed this yet. (2) UoB number number . (3) Bradford email onto of a word (doc.x) file. Take one … Read more

Write an essay of advice after a legal issue .advise on liability, remedies and further information required for the claim against guilty party.

A case is provided with a legal issue. Objective is to advise on liability, remedies and further information required for the claim against guilty party Write an essay of advice after a legal issue .Advise on liability, remedies and further information required for the claim against guilty party

Critically assess whether the law relating to assisted reproduction and legal parentage is too rigid to adequately protect the interests of parties.

 Family Law Question “Family law is traditionally flexible, giving the court scope to deal with each case on its own merits. Fertility law, in contrast, is often driven by a Parliamentary wish to create clarity and certainty at a wider public policy level. The two approaches do not always sit together comfortably.” Gamble, N, ‘Lesbian … Read more

Describe the balance of interests which the House of Lords had to consider in reaching their judgment and any ethical approaches which they employed to help them.

Ethics Question Below is a summary of the facts in the case of R v H [2004] 1 All ER 1269: H and others were charged with conspiracy to supply class A drugs, contrary to s.1 Criminal Law Act 1977. The street value of the seized heroin was £1,438,000. Generally the defences were centred around … Read more

Identify two to five key problems. uncover possible solutions/changes needed.

Media, Law and Ethics Guidelines for case study:The case study assignment is designed to help you integrate the reading materials with the lecture notes as well as explore additional resources on the Internet. Explore the field and gather research material that you will need for your case study.Before you begin writing, follow these guidelines to … Read more