law: discuss the extent to which the parol evidence rule is a presumption rather than a strict legal rule.

law 1. A new international agency was set up by the UN in London at the beginning of 2020 called the “International Piracy Rescue Agency” (IPRA). Its remit is to provide for an international standing rapid armed response unit to stop piracy on the High Seas. The IPRA contracted to buy 3 state of the … Read more

How significant is board diversity for publicaly listed companies in the U.K?Is the Corporate Governance Code sufficient in terms of promoting diverse representation?

Appointments should promote diversity of gender, social and ethnic backgrounds. Principle J of the UK Corporate Governance Code. How significant is board diversity for publicaly listed companies in the U.K?Is the Corporate Governance Code sufficient in terms of promoting diverse representation?

What’s in a name?business planning,trademark search.explain.

What’s in a Name? Business Planning, Trademark Search.Explain. Construct and Post a two-by-two chart displaying two advantages and twodisadvantages of Naming. Name should be unique and limited to one or two words. Be careful of using common names or words since you cannot claim such,and they could cause  business legal issues from another company in … Read more

US International Income Tax: for US tax purposes only, what entity classification planning can make the loan “disappear”?

US International Income Tax 1. What is the default entity classification of each entity? 2. For US tax purposes only, what entity classification planning can make the loan “disappear”? 3. What elections would be necessary?Assume that the planning and elections would be at the time the structure and loan is put in place.

Reflective report: discuss the pros vs cons of democracy & dictatorship political systems based on the selected three required readings .

Reflective report Length 700-1000 words Discuss the pros vs cons of democracy & dictatorship political systems based on the selected three required readings . Critically analyse and reflect on the authors’ arguments and summarise them with your reflections and analyses of the discussions. Compare and contrast theories regarding the nature of democracy and dictatorship and … Read more

Holistic victim restitution plan reflection: analyze the rise of victimology.evaluate empirical data regarding crime victims.

Holistic Victim Restitution Plan Reflection Analyze the rise of victimology. Evaluate empirical data regarding crime victims. Explain the victim’s contribution to crime. Critique the criminal justice system’s response to victimization. Describe your suggestions for a holistic plan of victim restitution. Should be two double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and references pages) and formatted according … Read more

What are some issues with getting accurate information on the level of child and elder abuse?

Child and Elder Abuse What are some issues with getting accurate information on the level of child and elder abuse? Describe characteristics that make a child or senior adult more likely to be a victim of abuse, neglect, or maltreatment. In your opinion, what can be done to decrease the likelihood that vulnerable children and … Read more

Victimization of Special Populations: explain how characteristics of these victims can contribute to their victimization.

Victimization of Special Populations Explain how characteristics of these victims can contribute to their victimization. Evaluate the criminal justice system’s response to the victimization of this population of victims. Propose a holistic plan for providing restitution for this population of victims. Your initial post must contain approximately 400 words and reference at least two scholarly … Read more